Halo isn't a loot based game.
Neither is CoD or Zelda.
Destiny is a game that has you re-run the same content over and over for loot.
Making that loot obsolete is a bit of a slap in the fact for day one players, who Bungievision seem to see as nothing more than Beta testers and cash cows.
No-they aren't-but you ground for different things. Prestiege, better stats, for the sheer love of playing the game. Near the end-I was like Charlie Brown and Baseball with halo, and I couldn't get anybody to ever play with me. That was...very crushing. Everybody had moved on to COD.
Did they ever delete your prestige, or your stats because they didn't want you using those stats for 10 years?
They shut down the servers in Halo 2. They also didn't transfer the stats I'd had in Halo 2/3 in the MCC-and each year a new Cod Came out and everybody jumped ship so-effectively yes, they did.