It's the ultimate battle between Bungie's 2 major game series! (plus 343's Halo)! Which games protagonist will win? That's up to you guys!
Who would win? And why is it Master Chief? I was inspired to do this because of a post in #destiny.
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Oh my gosh!
This isn't Berry fair. Its like compairing apples and oranges, so I will do my best. I am not very familiar with halo so this might be bias. But I'm positive that he did not go up against enemies that can control [b]time[/b] and this [b]their own existance[/b] and [b]come out alive[/b] [/b]3 times. [b] MC can destroy galaxies. But... With enough research, gaurdians could, in theory, destroy existence. Hmmmmmm....... What do you guys think?