Wow you want the game to last longer but you want to keep old weapons and ascend them to last you forever then what's the point of looking for new weapons? And no they said you can bring YOUR GUARDIAN that refers to strictly your guardian just your guardian.
Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 12:39:33 AMSo our guardians get through no worries. That's the low bar. But take someone who's spent hours and hours perfecting their guardian. Now take me who chose their helmet on the basis of how funny it is. We're both going to get into this next batch of DLC and because both of us are going to be looking at an entirely new set of gear, our guardians will be in the exact same position. I may have lower numbers starting off but if we both put in the same effort now we'll both reach the exact same point. Previous playtime will not mean a damn thing (so long as we meet some minimum level requirement, which is just going to be Xp based now.) So why did that other person bother putting so much more effort into the game if it [i]ultimately [/i]means the same as my attempts to make trip-mine unicorns out of the minions of darkness? They could have spent so much less time jumping through hoops and so much more time playing with rag-doll physics. The problem here is that Bungie has [i]completely [/i]undermined what it spent the most time developing (arbitrary reasons to make you spend more time in game than plot/setting/gameplay would have otherwise encouraged.) Shooting itself in the foot? This is launching one's entire self out of a cannon. Maybe the spectacle is going to be worth watching, but its not going to leave anything intact.
You missed the whole point of what was said. We already know that with Etheric Light, people were still getting Dark Below and House of Wolves weapons. Gear Ascension doesn't stop people from getting the new stuff.
It stops people from having lasting enjoyment. Etheric light are boring. I would rather run a strike or raid for a special weapon then click an upgrade button.
Etheric light doesn't just appear in your inventory. And ascending a weapon you've been carrying around for the better part of a year is anything but boring.