Bungie Devs,
You said you wanted every exotic to sound, play and feel like an exotic. You know why everyone loves and treasures the all mighty Gjallarhorn? Because it's the only Exotic you've managed correctly so far. It's the only exotic that is exotic in every way. It looks exotic! It sounds exotic! It's damage is better than any other legendary on the market.
[b]Don't nerf the great exotics like Ice Breaker and Gjallarhorn. Buff the crappy ones to make them as exotic as Gjallarhorn.[/b]
Sign below if you agree.
Edit: This post is mostly about PvE. I am well aware of what power creep is and buffing everything is as bad as nerfing everything.
Currently exotics are too easy to obtain, max out, and are far too common in general. Think if all the exotics were as rare as Gally, and worked as well. That's the idea.
I do wish exotics were rarer and it would be damn near impossible to collect all of them. then they would feel like the first time you saw an icebreaker or a Thorn or an almighty ghorn. but like you said just buffing the bad ones would wreck pvp but PvE might get too easy then too so I'm okay with rebalancing