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8/6/2015 12:32:19 AM
Malphisto it sounds like you're kinda disillusioned and disappointed. I just recently came back into gaming and I think Destiny is a most amazing game environment, rendering, scope etc unbelievable, colossal amount of work required to put something like this together - amazing achievement. I do agree with your sentiment though, updates and DLC should complement what came before not undermine it, the story lines let it down badly, love the freedom offered by patrols but again after a certain point you wonder why you're doing it, became almost redundant with HoW anyway as did doing Erin Morn's bounties - just no point but she's still there standing in the corner making you feel bad for not going over. Thought the Reef was a good spot for development before HoW but again underwhelming when it arrived (nothing new except lazy condensed action, super short story lines, which I almost forgot about they were so ridiculously brief, and difficult/frustrating for the casual/solo gamer to achieve success with but you have to grind it out to level up, (feels a bit dirty pimping yourself to get a fireteam going for PoE). I think they've just struggled to fill the arena they've created with content (who wants to kill 10 billion dregs just to level up your rep and get a random unfathomable prize when you do - a mote of light and some more bloody spinmetal, worth it!), hopefully third times the charm because I'm beginning to feel like I've been bent over by Bungie for the last six months - how about a cash discount for year one people buying the DLC TTK instead of a dumb gimmick like moments of triumph.

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