See, now I understand the shitty harassment and all, that was childish on the trolls end. HOWEVER, u "Dames" are DIRECTLY instigating by having a female only group. See, it's okay to have a ghorn only club cuz it's about the game itself. Ghorn makes u more useful, or thorn, or whatever gun u want. Or a PVP only clan or PVE only. However, u are using OUTSIDE reasons. It's like me saying I won't accept minorities, people who personally make under 100k a year(themselves, not household accumulated), or who are not raven black haired, and don't have green eyes. That's -blam!-ing discrimination at it's finest. Also, I don't support bias and double standard. I don't believe in the "it's okay for A to do X, but okay for B". No. If A can do it, B can do it. Equality. U clearly don't believe in that. If u don't wanna accept me in the clan cuz my Kd is too low, that's okay. That's directly pertaining to the game. But don't bring my -blam!-ing personal life in the question.
Instigating? Whether a person has an all girl group, all medical group, all soldier group, it doesn't matter. The point is, behaving in that manner... to any group for any reason... THAT'S the unacceptable behavior. NOT having a particular group, but the discrimination and hate FOR that group FOR any reason. Dude, you totally missed the point... not the point of this video or the group... the point of proper behavior and acting with class and etiquette. Damn. Smh.
U are talking class and etiquette, but again, they are being childish. U can try to deny it all u want, but anyone with any school will see this as sexist, giving that my gender has nothing to do with this game. But it's okay. I don't care much. But u should know, that when u piss off the majority of the games fanbase(males), u should expect a lot of hate.
Maybe. But a person is still responsible for what they do with those feelings of hate. Bungie/Activision and PSN/MS can still permanently ban those they feel cross the line in HOW they express that hate. This is true for all aspects of life. The law doesn't allow you to do whatever you want free from liability and responsibility for a person's actions. Same with an employer. I can't be a manager and hire a new employee then say, "Welcome to the team, n*gger." This is also true for a company with a community group. Individuals CAN be banned for behavior that a company feels is in excess. Control your emotions. Feel, but be responsible with what you do WITH those feelings.
I wish they would realize this. So many times in the video she said stuff about loving "everybody" when she is now a prominent figure in a female only clan. It does not matter what their intentions are. The mere existence of a clan that discriminates gender in its selection will always propagate sexism.
Having a particular group, all women, all cops, all soldier, that's not the point. You don't have to like it... but YOU CONTROL YOUR ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR. That's the point. You may think that having an all female group promotes sexism, but what you DO with that opinion, that YOU ARE responsible for. I can't go to an all women group, shoot them, and say to the judge they promoted this behavior in me. NO, just NO, dude. We are still responsible for our actions. And if Bungie were to choose to ban gamers for discrimination (as it is also against the law for hiring, promotion, housing, etc) than those gamers can't say, "they promoted my behavior and asked for it by creating an all female group." No. You, as an individual, are still responsible and liabil for your own actions. Smh.
Literally everything I said went straight over your head so don't try to shake it at me. Quote me anywhere I even once tried to shirk responsibility or say something inane like what you've suggested. Allowing only females in a group is definitively sexist, regardless of the group's morals. I didn't say the Dames go around telling people to be sexist or anything ridiculous like that. I pointed out that having sexist rules and accepting them, as is conceded by joining the group, will cultivate a sexist mentality among the members. It doesn't mean anything that they all say they support equality (I really don't get that vibe anyway). By not allowing men in a group that's allegedly about positive gaming atmosphere you're purporting the notion that there's a link between men and a negative gaming atmosphere (which is sexist), even if just on a subconscious level. At the core the clan is flawed and it doesn't matter what they claim because their actions will define them more, and their main stipulation for joining speaks loads to their true colors.