So [i]now[/i] did this thread die because of the selfie thread in the Group?
Like every one else people just get busy, and some of the stuff runs really late and I wish that to stop but this is one of the most successful RP threads in the Bungie Forums. Honestly if you were to create an app or a website every one here would quickly follow.
Well you know the supposed greatness of this RP didn't just come from my mind; only the idea did. You and every other one of you Punks expanded the story of Paranorm beyond my wildest expectations. It all fits into one unforgettable mix of noire, thriller, science fiction and action. All of these great stories you guys just magically conjure surprise and inspire me. They make me grin and, hell, even cheer and applaud at some moments. So you can thank me, but the major props go to you guys. Thank you so much for staying in this RP. It means so much.
[b]Loud cheering in background[/b]
Naw man we can't take credit for your Idea that started a universe that allowed us as fans to have an impact and make part of that universe ours.
I'll take the credit if no one else will........ I kid, I kid.
We're a symbiotic force.
We would love to do this on a website. An app would be even better.
Yeah. What they said. Fallout New Vegas (ultimate edition) is epic.... I cant stop playing it... O_O [spoiler]shend heelp[/spoiler]
I'll save you! <Hacks the Bagelputer.> <creates Legendary Deathclaw spawn cycle.> <_replace~Allchar=Ldeath> <all the NPCs become Legendary Deathclaws> There! Now you'll never want to play FNV again!
[spoiler]btw legendary bloatflies are WAY more powerful[/spoiler]
Yes but they aren't as scary.
But much more powerful. All animals become Legendary Deathclaws, all Factions become giant robo-scorpions, then everything else is turned into legendary bloatflies. I would LOVE to watch someone survive THAT.
Esther would solve all those problems real easy.
You know im getting that VERY soon.... Vendortron wont know what hit him.... Itll be 37 gold bars
WHY REX!!!!! WHY!!!!!
It's okay, I loved that game too. #understandable
I already beat a dlc and got to the final stage of the main quest-line, im working on [i]Dead Money[/i] right now. Delivering Christine to her station. Not too far, then, its HIEST time....
You ruined it Hickory :| [spoiler]Jk everybody just busy[/spoiler]
This thread has too many post/comments to die. It's like one of the few successful RP's lol.
Naa everyone is just busy.