Update- After [b]months[/b] of Bungie decidedly ignoring this issue, and this topic [i]specifically[/i], I completely stopped posting almost 2 months ago. However, I still feel like I can't let this discussion fade, just yet, given it's obvious effects on [i]future[/i] Destiny games. Everything I felt when writing this so many months ago STILL matters to me- despite the fact that I quit the game 6 months ago... So, I'm pretty sure it's still worth discussing. :P
[quote]Bungie Weekly Update 12/04/2014:
"In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. [b][u]The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete.[/u][/b] Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: [b][u]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected[/u][/b]."[/quote]
[quote](From Tyson Green via the 8-19 TTK stream, on the topic of Infusion)
We're really trying to deliver on people being able to find things that they're excited about and keep them and customize their character[/quote]
This isn't just about Bungie making design choices that harm the player; it's about them doing it [i]twice[/i], after explicitly stating they wouldn't do it [i]again[/i]. On top of that, it even goes against their own, outspoken design goals [i]for[/i] TTK, which is absurd.
(TL;DR at the end)
[spoiler]I'm very excited to acquire [i]new[/i] gear in TTK, and I'm in no way trying to discourage players from "moving on" to new gear. All I'm trying to argue is that players should have the [i][u]option[/u][/i] to do so, on [i]their[/i] terms.
With that said...[/spoiler]
I keep seeing arguments in [i]favor[/i] of Bungie's decision to phase out Year 1 weapons, generally based on people's experiences in games of the MMO variety.
Now, I understand that from a purely MMO background, players don't see any issue with leaving old gear behind in favor of new, better gear, because that's how MMOs operate. However, Destiny is [i]not[/i] an MMO (at least from a combat perspective, which is what I'm basing my arguments on), and shouldn't be treated as such for a number of reasons.
Main point-[quote]1. Weapons in Destiny have a [i]much[/i] more direct impact on player experience. Weapons in MMOs are little more than "stat sticks," with virtually no impact on gameplay other than increasing a player's DPS abilities; point, click, repeat.
Destiny, on the other hand, is an FPS, and as such, choosing a weapon is infinitely more personal and important to players. Even if you only like [i]one[/i] class of weapon, there's still a ton of options to sort through; impact, fire rate, stability, perk set- even the [i]aesthetics[/i] of a weapon play a part in the overall [i]feel[/i] of a weapon.
As such, it's a pretty shallow argument to tell players like me to "get used to it" when weapons become obsolete because "that's how MMOs work." This isn't an MMO, and my gun of choice is way more important to my experience than any DPS "stat stick" could ever be (sentimental value notwithstanding, of course).[/quote]
Secondary point-[quote]2. Destiny's expansions have a bad habit of [i]replacing[/i] content, not [i]adding[/i]. And they happen MUCH more frequently than any MMO expansion; each new DLC essentially removes old gear from the game, replacing it with "better" gear [u]across the board[/u].
Why the hell should I pay for new gear that will be outdated in [i]a few months[/i]?! I payed for it, I grinded for it, I upgraded it, and I [i]kept it[/i]. This game is built on grinding for gear, and I've accepted that! But why would any sane gamer continue to grind if their efforts are [i]consistently[/i] invalidated? What's the point? Especially after the 2.0 patch effectively [i]already balanced Y1 gear to exist alongside Y2 gear in PvP.[/i] If the gear is "balanced" enough for PvP, than any claims the "Y1 gear is too powerful" are null and void, and PvE players are getting pissed on for no reason. Everything has been primed and readied to be included into the Y2 ecosystem, yet it's still left behind.
The only reason this didn't bother me as much up to this point was because my old gear stayed useful, and became special because of its decreased availability; proof that I was here from the beginning. The idea of playing 'Destiny 3,' and still being able to pull out my Vanilla weapons in future battles is an [i]awesome[/i] prospect. It would give weight to all the adventures I've been on, all the awesome feats I've accomplished, and continually validate and distinguish all my efforts to [i]become legend[/i], as they say. :P[/quote]
EDIT- I didn't touch on this in my initial post, and I absolutely should have;
[quote]3. Most [i]console[/i] games don't go through major overhauls, because new mechanics and balance choices tend to get implemented in [i]sequels[/i]. An "expansion" in WoW is essentially the MMO equivalent of a [i]sequel[/i], not just an add-on. There is no "WoW 2," because Blizzard's "10 year plan" for the game was intended to exist in a single game economy for its entire lifespan. Because of that, it makes more sense for its expansions to overhaul the game in more impactful ways, because they take the place of proper sequels.
"Destiny: The Taken King" is [i]not[/i] "Destiny 2." As big as it might be, it's still an add-on to Destiny "1," as it were, and I think people should view it as such. If Bungie wants to reset the entire game, and start from scratch, [i]so be it[/i], but they should do that [i]in the next game[/i].[/quote]
1. Destiny's weapons are [i]infinitely[/i] more meaningful to players than any MMO weapons could ever hope to be, in that they actually have a direct impact on how they play the game; they're more than just stat-increases.
2. And, seeing as how Bungie choses to remove old gear from the loot table with every DLC, thus shrinking gear options, the [i]only[/i] way to keep any sort of gear diversity in Destiny, as well as validate all the effort player's put into the game, would be to bring old gear forward, [i]period[/i]. ESPECIALLY considering that the 2.0 patch [i]already[/i] re-balanced Y1 gear to better match Y2 effectiveness, so what's the hold up? If it's "balanced" enough for PvP, then it's sure as Hell balanced enough for PvE!
3. "Expansions" in MMORPGs typically take the place of traditional [i]sequels[/i], which makes it more understandable that they would bring major overhauls to the game; TTK is definitely an [i]add-on[/i], not a sequel. Destiny [i]will[/i] have a proper [i]sequel[/i] in the future (confirmed in production), and if Bungie is determined to completely level the playing field for gear, that's fine, but they should do that [i]in the sequel[/i].
Cry me a river
We're all upset, there's a certain original crucible AR I'd like to use, and I'm not talking about Shadow Price. But change is coming, and those willing must accept it. Besides, I'm sure Bungie will eventually let us ascend them once the massive outrage gets out of hand.
People keep saying this as exclusively about the guns. I miss all the original armor for all classes. They have not made a good legendary armor set for the warlock since the original vanilla gear.
They screwed up and made the vanilla guns op. They're going away.... Move on. Enjoy something new and continue to collect.
Let's talk the truth, guns like fate bringer, black hammer, found verdict ,VOC and a few others are what I would call exceptional legendary weapons. The gallahorn, icebreaker, thorn, last word, hawk moon and red death are what I would really call true exotics. They are overpowering beyond belief(which is how exotics should feel). The fact that bungie wants to nerf certain exotics and prevent us from ascending our old legendary weapons shows their lack of creativity. If they were really that creative they would not need to nerf or prevent legendary weapons from being further ascended. They would have rather created more weapons which can compete with these other guns rather than making them obsolete like the Vex mythoclast and Suros regime.
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/145193784/0/0 Please vote to see where the community stands on this issue. Thank you.
I'm going to still use my old guns, because I'm not going to purchase the expansion. But I'm still going to play the game! I bet bungie didn't see that coming.
I posted this in another thread and it seemed to get some positive attention, so I figured I'd transplant it here: [quote]As a collector of fine weapons and someone who's wasted thousands of hours in this game, I don't think the choice should be made for me. If I want to use my Zombie Apocalypse machine gun I've had since launch for the rest of my Guardian's life I should be able to. This game is supposed to be about making your character into who you want them to be, into a "legend" as they say. Well maybe my heroine's arsenal includes some "legendary" vintage guns that she's kept with her for well over a year, that she worked her ass off to get? Of course I don't want to use the same guns for "ten years" as everyone likes to say but if I want to take some of my vintage guns with me along for the journey they should still be viable. I want a mix of old and new, I don't want to just suddenly be on par with everyone who's just joining for year two. I want those sick classic guns that the newbies are going to see and make them want to go back and do the Vault of glass or Crota's end. I want people to see my character as I want her to be seen, wearing scuzzy Hive gear from an old antiquated raid that I mastered because that was my choice, that's how I chose to look. It seems counterproductive for Destiny to take year one players on this roller-coaster of DLC screw-ups, literally screwing people over with extra unnecessary upgrade paths, overcomplicated material systems, having to double or triple level up some guns just to keep them relevant, then have them realize how much they mean to us and FINALLY do right and allow us to "ascend" the stuff we love only to turn around and take a big dump on that ideal in year 2. Plus as far as the "more variety" argument, I'd say wiping out half of the guns in-game is going to reduce the variety, just like every DLC has wiped out entire vendor sets of gear. It feels like they just realized they messed up some stuff and they want to wipe all old guns from the record so they can start over, there's no actual reason behind it otherwise. I'm excited for new gear but if they intended to make "year two" a whole new beast they should have just made an entirely new game instead of gutting out what people have enjoyed since launch. It feels like Bungie is so disconnected from their community anymore, honestly. This game has been a total WRECK since launch, things have changed DRASTICALLY every DLC and update, it has changed so much that come September it isn't even going to be the same thing we bought last year. At times it feels as though they don't know what they're doing, they're making it up as they go along.[/quote]
If the previous DLCs are any indicator and change in damage then you are only looking at a 10% reduction to damage. Things that are one shot now will still probably be one shot with the reduction. I'm sad about the cap to tear one weapons but if bungle does their job right then it won't matter because you will find the new weapons better
That first point is pretty shallow. Like what someone imagines playing an MMO is like.
Edited by BigOakDaddy: 8/8/2015 8:49:23 PMI can identify with you. However coming from the scout rifle fanboy camp (Another NiTC), I hated using hand cannons initially. It wasn't until a fully upgraded Fatebringer did I started to learn to be more patient with my precision kills, and of course firefly as the reward. I still hate the low ammo capacity because I often find myself out of primary weapon ammo during raids and Prison of Elders, especially The Last Word. I fear this is the unwelcome fate of the year one weapons. In my opinion they are not OP'd. Even the mighty G-horn I cannot destroy the mines in PoE with one shot. It is the reward you get for learning how to use the specialize weapon. Fatebringer has firefly while Black Hammer has white nail, land three precision shots, get rewarded with three more in the magazine. Now they are considering to not only change the magazine size, but pulling the ammo from your reserve. Gameplay experience is totally ruined. Game makes no sense to me. I'm tired of people justifying Bungie's stupid decisions. Yes, I will continue to use my Fatebringer and Black Hammer in the Vault of Glass, even at light level 50 and attack 1000. Why? Not only you need the right weapons, it also requires teamwork and knowing the mechanics. Miss an oracle, everyone dies no matter what weapons you have or what light level you are. Does Bungie not want us to do the raids anymore? I've said it before, and I will say it again, I'm OK with leaving and forgetting year one items IF we all are restarting at light level 0 and playing Destiny 2. Since we are just talking about TTK expansion, I guess then I'm not down with it. It's their game. They do whatever they want with it. Wish I had more input, but that's why they have this feedback forum. Just looking at it from an average guardian perspective. I don't have a regular fireteam to run raids with nor any good at doing crucible/pvp. However I've managed to rank 5 in the last Iron Banner grindfest... first time ever, and it felt good not to only achieve the rank but also my first Efrideet's Spear, Timur's Lash, and ascended IB armors. Guess I will have to trash these personal remarkable accomplishments also because they are not part of TTK future?
How is choice of weapon that personal and special, you can't tell me you have a personal connection with Fatebringer besides it being the best primary for an arc nightfall... There's nothing so special about these guns that can't be replaced
Edited by Corrick II: 8/7/2015 10:44:52 PMI would never tell you to move on from something you care about. I will however suggest you come to terms with the fact that Bungie most likely will [i]force[/i] you to move on once they release new expansions. Just the nature of the beast.
keep your guns and be left behind. Only the strong adept.
Move on from your guns.
Edited by arcadecrash: 8/8/2015 8:13:51 PMFirstly, fatebringer is the tits. Secondly, move on.
I blame most of this "new"gaming generation...because they need a new weapon or gimmick with every damn expansion and dlc any game drops..not just destiny...
Dude....it's game. I hate to make this rehashed argument, cos I hate when people say it, but really, if you don't like it don't play it. But at least wait until you do actually play it before you make these arguments. Personally, I know I'm not going to stop playing vog and ce when TTK drops. Same with regular crucible. All your currents weapons will be just as relevant in those activities as they are now. As well as in new patrol missions as Bungie have already stated. But really, Bungie probably did mess up on vanilla release, as certain legendary weapons were pretty much impossible to improve on. HoW weapons, with their perks, probably should've been original destiny weapons, the god-tier legendarys such as fatebringer, VoC, Blackhammer, are essentially perfect weapons. How do you make weapons in their respective classes, better, from a peek point of view? That was Bungies -blam!- up. Unfortunately, the only way to remedy that is to leave them behind. But anyway, I'm running on longer than I wanted to. The point is, at least wait until TTK drops and you play it to criticise Bungies decision on this. There's every possibility that you'll find weapons you prefer. And besides, nothing is going to change now. TTK drops in a month, it's just about shippable now. They're not going to go back to the drawing board now are they? The die is cast dude, the hand is played, these posts serve no purpose. Play the finished product, as it stands now. If you like it, play it. If you don't, then don't. Just one last point, I, personally am bored of resorting to the same guns, for the same missions every week. I've been buying up all faction weapons, using weapons I'd dream of using before, just for the sake of it now. It's fun, try it. If you're only sense of enjoyment is coming from your favourite weapons, then maybe you don't really enjoy destiny as much as you think?
I really don't play destiny anymore and going on a hiatus til the sequel. I must say THIS is the game i want. Every change looks perfect..............except for what you listed above. This isn't an MMO. That's the best point to be made. The idea of having things that you worked hard for and *GASP!* introducing new guns at the SAME TIME? Yea that's not all that crzy to me really. Seems logical. Nothing is set in stone yet but it looks like this is a fresh start. You still have all the exotics but it would def suck losing all the VoG gear and even CE gear. Fang and FB, they will be missed dearly i'm sure. Y'all will have a great game to play though, regardless of their decisions about old raid guns. It'll still be awesome. Even better in a lot of ways.
One question, if the weapons will be obsolete then why is Blackhammer being nerfed? What is the point?
some good points made, interesting, thx for this
This is great. Thanks for putting it out there.
I feel if you are "legendary" in status, that you should be allowed to bring one weapon from primary, secondary and heavy. I think that reasonable and fair to people that have put in serious time in this game.
Dude..... Move on.
VOG weapons came from a level 30 raid. Not sure how it makes sense that this weapon stacks up against weapons from a level 40/41 raid. Do I love fatebringer and found verdict? Absofukinglutely. Will I miss them? Withoutafukingdoubt Will I get over it? Yeah