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Edited by AttilaTheNvn: 6/10/2016 5:50:36 AM

Stop telling me to "move on" from my guns, please. (10 months later, STILL no response from Bungie)

Update- After [b]months[/b] of Bungie decidedly ignoring this issue, and this topic [i]specifically[/i], I completely stopped posting almost 2 months ago. However, I still feel like I can't let this discussion fade, just yet, given it's obvious effects on [i]future[/i] Destiny games. Everything I felt when writing this so many months ago STILL matters to me- despite the fact that I quit the game 6 months ago... So, I'm pretty sure it's still worth discussing. :P [quote]Bungie Weekly Update 12/04/2014: "In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. [b][u]The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete.[/u][/b] Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: [b][u]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected[/u][/b]."[/quote] [quote](From Tyson Green via the 8-19 TTK stream, on the topic of Infusion) We're really trying to deliver on people being able to find things that they're excited about and keep them and customize their character[/quote] This isn't just about Bungie making design choices that harm the player; it's about them doing it [i]twice[/i], after explicitly stating they wouldn't do it [i]again[/i]. On top of that, it even goes against their own, outspoken design goals [i]for[/i] TTK, which is absurd. ______________________ (TL;DR at the end) Disclaimer! [spoiler]I'm very excited to acquire [i]new[/i] gear in TTK, and I'm in no way trying to discourage players from "moving on" to new gear. All I'm trying to argue is that players should have the [i][u]option[/u][/i] to do so, on [i]their[/i] terms. With that said...[/spoiler] I keep seeing arguments in [i]favor[/i] of Bungie's decision to phase out Year 1 weapons, generally based on people's experiences in games of the MMO variety. Now, I understand that from a purely MMO background, players don't see any issue with leaving old gear behind in favor of new, better gear, because that's how MMOs operate. However, Destiny is [i]not[/i] an MMO (at least from a combat perspective, which is what I'm basing my arguments on), and shouldn't be treated as such for a number of reasons. Main point-[quote]1. Weapons in Destiny have a [i]much[/i] more direct impact on player experience. Weapons in MMOs are little more than "stat sticks," with virtually no impact on gameplay other than increasing a player's DPS abilities; point, click, repeat. Destiny, on the other hand, is an FPS, and as such, choosing a weapon is infinitely more personal and important to players. Even if you only like [i]one[/i] class of weapon, there's still a ton of options to sort through; impact, fire rate, stability, perk set- even the [i]aesthetics[/i] of a weapon play a part in the overall [i]feel[/i] of a weapon. As such, it's a pretty shallow argument to tell players like me to "get used to it" when weapons become obsolete because "that's how MMOs work." This isn't an MMO, and my gun of choice is way more important to my experience than any DPS "stat stick" could ever be (sentimental value notwithstanding, of course).[/quote] Secondary point-[quote]2. Destiny's expansions have a bad habit of [i]replacing[/i] content, not [i]adding[/i]. And they happen MUCH more frequently than any MMO expansion; each new DLC essentially removes old gear from the game, replacing it with "better" gear [u]across the board[/u]. Why the hell should I pay for new gear that will be outdated in [i]a few months[/i]?! I payed for it, I grinded for it, I upgraded it, and I [i]kept it[/i]. This game is built on grinding for gear, and I've accepted that! But why would any sane gamer continue to grind if their efforts are [i]consistently[/i] invalidated? What's the point? Especially after the 2.0 patch effectively [i]already balanced Y1 gear to exist alongside Y2 gear in PvP.[/i] If the gear is "balanced" enough for PvP, than any claims the "Y1 gear is too powerful" are null and void, and PvE players are getting pissed on for no reason. Everything has been primed and readied to be included into the Y2 ecosystem, yet it's still left behind. The only reason this didn't bother me as much up to this point was because my old gear stayed useful, and became special because of its decreased availability; proof that I was here from the beginning. The idea of playing 'Destiny 3,' and still being able to pull out my Vanilla weapons in future battles is an [i]awesome[/i] prospect. It would give weight to all the adventures I've been on, all the awesome feats I've accomplished, and continually validate and distinguish all my efforts to [i]become legend[/i], as they say. :P[/quote] EDIT- I didn't touch on this in my initial post, and I absolutely should have; [quote]3. Most [i]console[/i] games don't go through major overhauls, because new mechanics and balance choices tend to get implemented in [i]sequels[/i]. An "expansion" in WoW is essentially the MMO equivalent of a [i]sequel[/i], not just an add-on. There is no "WoW 2," because Blizzard's "10 year plan" for the game was intended to exist in a single game economy for its entire lifespan. Because of that, it makes more sense for its expansions to overhaul the game in more impactful ways, because they take the place of proper sequels. "Destiny: The Taken King" is [i]not[/i] "Destiny 2." As big as it might be, it's still an add-on to Destiny "1," as it were, and I think people should view it as such. If Bungie wants to reset the entire game, and start from scratch, [i]so be it[/i], but they should do that [i]in the next game[/i].[/quote] TL;DR: 1. Destiny's weapons are [i]infinitely[/i] more meaningful to players than any MMO weapons could ever hope to be, in that they actually have a direct impact on how they play the game; they're more than just stat-increases. 2. And, seeing as how Bungie choses to remove old gear from the loot table with every DLC, thus shrinking gear options, the [i]only[/i] way to keep any sort of gear diversity in Destiny, as well as validate all the effort player's put into the game, would be to bring old gear forward, [i]period[/i]. ESPECIALLY considering that the 2.0 patch [i]already[/i] re-balanced Y1 gear to better match Y2 effectiveness, so what's the hold up? If it's "balanced" enough for PvP, then it's sure as Hell balanced enough for PvE! 3. "Expansions" in MMORPGs typically take the place of traditional [i]sequels[/i], which makes it more understandable that they would bring major overhauls to the game; TTK is definitely an [i]add-on[/i], not a sequel. Destiny [i]will[/i] have a proper [i]sequel[/i] in the future (confirmed in production), and if Bungie is determined to completely level the playing field for gear, that's fine, but they should do that [i]in the sequel[/i].

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  • Bump! If you don't acknowledge this argument then just leave because you're ignorant as hell

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  • I saw the gamescom interview where weapons, and gjallarhorn were addressed. Bungie gave a very poor and very wrong explanation as to why weapons were being left behind and why. "what will happen to fatebringer now that it isn't being ascended?" "what if I really like fatebringer, and ttk weapons aren;t as optimal as fatebringer was?" And Bungie said "you can bring them into crucicble" (which is laughable because they keep nerfing hand cannons and fatebringer can't compete with exotics.) "Your fatebringer will still be relevant in patrol and older raids" Because you know, we all just want to sit in patrol with fatebringer.... And I'm not seeing a point to completing older raids when the gear and weapons they drop aren't able to be upgraded to the level at which taken king gear will sit at,which in turn makes both previous raids irrelevant due to the fact that you cannot gain any gear that will be as helpful, (more like detrimental due to their defense and attack values). This game lacks content to huge extent, and removing weapons relativity isn't going to help. If you can't bring fatebringer, then there needs to be an option for a new weapon that has the ability to kill one target and still kill multiple targets from aoe. A new option for a weapon just as good if not better, and the same goes for gjallarhorn. When asked about Gjallarhorn's nerf, Bungie insisted that "Gjallarhorn will still have it's uses, but maybe you'll re-discover weapons like truth and see their viability?" This is utter stupidity, and he must of hated having to even say that. Gjallarhorn and truth do the same base damage, however gjallarhorn does way more damage than truth due to wolf pack rounds. Now, seeing how gjallarhorn (even with it's nerf) will still be stronger and better, why would choose something like Dragon's Breath over it? So I can make encounter's harder and mundane? So I can potentially lose a game? The truth is, you wouldn't. Giving equivalent options for weapons and gear is great, removing things people enjoy that are useful, and giving them options that are less useful turns this game into an even more annoying grind fest, with pro-longed boring encounter's with no finesse.

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    4 Replies
    • Move on [spoiler]from your guns [/spoiler]

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    • First of all Destiny is not a MMO i would just like to say that and i realize that i can not keep everything but i am gonna keep a few relics

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    • Whiners got their way once again. You get one gun per character to move forward with. Good job kiddies

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    • Run along

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    • Love this post you weren't a whining crybaby literally just because of Fatebringer you had valid points and had both sides of this conflict covered and I agree with you weapons in destiny are way more meaningful than any Mmo weapon could be and I think a lot of people would agree when playing "destiny 3" it'd be an amazing feeling to pull out The Devil You Know that you got from your first night fall or something. Along those lines so your gear will actually reflect what you've done like they said this game was supposed to be about but really there is no way to tell if someone had that gun for a long time and cherish we assume "they got it and grinded bounties to level it fast as hell" Overall best post I've read about this whole situation

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    • Edited by silvercylon16: 8/6/2015 6:58:43 PM
      Agreed. This isn't an MMO, and our player-relationship with the game and stuff we get is a main part of the experience. I'm excited for new gear, to get it, use it...however, I want my older gear to still be an option to use. Is that a bad thing? (This will likely fall on deaf ears with DeeJ and Cosmo...) I paid my $$ to play the game I want to play. Ascending old guns/gear was one of the best improvements with HoW!! Now, they're all useless is what I am hearing?? I wish Bungie could stop dictating our player experiences...why can't we just throw another Etheric Light or Exotic shard to ascend to the new levels? Is that too difficult? Me thinks not... EDIT: I'm more concerned about all the neato Raid gear/guns it took weeks and months to drop.

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    • Wow, this is a very thoughtful argument. In fact that is the first actual meaningful argument I have read. Thank you. Honestly, I think it does kind of suck. Unfortunately, it appears that there is no mechanism in place to advance even a single fav. But you never know.

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    • Well put, it pretty much sums up my opinion on the matter. Some may gravitate away from old weapons on their own but forcing players to do so just makes it an unpleasant experience.

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    • Quite simply they should add guns with perks that help with new content to force decisions, but not make old guns obsolete. With limited vault space we have choices. If I'm around for all 10 years of destiny I'd love to have a collection of a few of my favourites from each year.... That's what I thought might make destiny exceptional giving a massive variety of weapons and armour over time! I'm sure I'll find new guns that I like as much as my fatebringer and messenger but I'd still love to pull them out once in a while.... Although I'm not ready to quit I'm not quite as excited about the long term as I once was!

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      1 Reply
      • bump. I agree with you 100%

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      • Lol.

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      • The second point of this post is what I believe is THE most relevant. Not one of the two DLCs that dropped "added" weapon / armor content to the game (with the exception of raid gear). It simply replaced the content that existed before. All the vendors just ended up with different weapons, instead of having 3 variants (vanilla, TDB, HOW) of each type of weapon. And the options for my playstyle personally were less than stellar... If TTK doesn't bring to the table MORE choice of weaponry (and additionally brings better elemental primaries to the table), then it's really going to piss a lot of players off. The only reason I kept FB / VoC / FoIY / AD / OE / WoC? Because they are elemental primaries. Give us the option to add elemental damage to vendor primaries, and I'll gladly delete all my old legendaries (except Shadow Price, I don't care how useless it is, I will have that come year 10).... :)

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      • We should all be able to ascend 1 gun, no elemental primary's, for the rest of Destiny's life span I would pick Vanquisher VII or Prudence II

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      • I only really care about raids. With no incentive for loot, raids like vog and ce will be left behind. Hope they make a year 2 version of those raids that drop year 2 raid gear and weapons.

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      • They do have, the option. However keeping year one gear will be weaker.

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      • Hey bro....Plz move on. [spoiler]TL;DR[/spoiler]

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      • Year 1 stuff isn't going to be of much use for the new content; I like having new stuff to replace my old stuff. The only things I really hung on to were raid weapons for the burns they have.. as long as I can get new legendary weapons with burns I'm fine with it all. Weapon parts are a struggle for me; I hope there are better ways to acquire them besides dismantling stuff.

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      • Shame to see my ol fatebringer be put to rest but I think I'll have fun with some new omolon/suros guns. Requiescat in Pace Fatebringer

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      • Move on but seriously, I'm all for having tons of guns to choose from, we just need more inventory space

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      • Or you could wait to bitch till after the thing comes out... That could work too...

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      • It's only the casuals that don't have gally or multiple fatebringer. F them

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        7 Replies
        • You look cute today.

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        • Well said. That's exactly how I feel.

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        • You are totally wrong. If you had ever raided for weeks on end hoping for that one dagger/sword/gear piece to drop in an actual MMO you would understand that the attachment to an MMO item is actually MUCH more intense than any shooter looter. Also, even if we remove the MMO comparison entirely, there is no denying that the genre of destiny is RPG. FPS is a style, like Third person shooter, or sidescroller. These are NOT genres. Being an RPG in genre means that it had to act like one. Look at any RPG with progression content. In EVERY case, as you move on, you will be replacing gear with better versions. Yes you COULD use the dagger you started with throughout the entire game if you want, but there is nothing more stopping you from using the Khavostov on Oryx... It will just be left behind in stats just like the fatebringer and all obsolete gear from every RPG that has vertical progression. Rant over

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