Well you know the supposed greatness of this RP didn't just come from my mind; only the idea did. You and every other one of you Punks expanded the story of Paranorm beyond my wildest expectations. It all fits into one unforgettable mix of noire, thriller, science fiction and action. All of these great stories you guys just magically conjure surprise and inspire me. They make me grin and, hell, even cheer and applaud at some moments.
So you can thank me, but the major props go to you guys. Thank you so much for staying in this RP. It means so much.
[b]Loud cheering in background[/b]
Naw man we can't take credit for your Idea that started a universe that allowed us as fans to have an impact and make part of that universe ours.
I'll take the credit if no one else will........ I kid, I kid.
We're a symbiotic force.