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8/6/2015 5:05:10 AM
1) the argument "destiny is not an mmo" has been done to death. Bungie is pulling inspiration and mechanics from MMO's. So it's being treated like one. Deal with it or move on. 2) Shoe horned in point. WoW and other MMO's have trans mog. Obviously people care about what they use. And when a new expansion drops you replace your old gear. Just like destiny. Saying your gun is different because FPS is comparing an apple to a different kind of apple. In an MMO your weapon is the one you use in both PvE and pvp. Same with your armor. In both games you go through several pieces of gear to find the right one for you. You're trying to make a point where there is none. 3) Destiny has changed frequently because destiny is still figuring out what works. I bet if you go back to the beginning of WoW learn the mechanics and then see what's changed over the years you can see how different it behaves. I know elder scrolls online is re doing a few of it's core systems and it's been out longer then destiny (I think.) Also each time a new expansion for warcraft drops you can boost one character from whatever level it's at to the new cap. So you argument about new players experiencing it from the beginning is pretty much moot. And lets say you ignore everything I said and we all agreed here on the forums to stop telling you to move on. It doesn't change the fact that Bungie themselves is telling you to do so. And Bungie isn't changing that. So you can either learn to accept these new changes and continue to play or stop playing. By the way you can still use your old gear in older content and in standard pvp. It's just not going to be usable for end game content in TTK.

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