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Edited by Sanctus Michael: 8/6/2015 10:24:12 AM
Bump. You'd never see this on Dice's battlelog. Stiv and the other moderators watch every post like a hawk and remove posts, entire topics, suspend, and ban people for thier language, the context of thier message, and behavior on a regular basis. That was the first forum I ever used and when I came here it was a HUGE culture shock. I couldn't believe the things people were getting away with writing.

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  • I used to play Gears of War and Infinity Blade so I used the Epic forums a lot. They had a female community manager(who was a lot more active than any Bungie CM) and a female user moderator. They had no problem giving out console bans on the Xbox 360 to people who didn't know how to behave or cheated. Like you, I was surprised by the amount of bile when I came here. I understand that citizens of some countries have an undeniable right to free speech but the forum belongs to Bungie, they should police it more vigorously.

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  • Edited by Sanctus Michael: 8/6/2015 11:41:54 AM
    I wish Bungie/Activision revised and issued stricter CoC policies and strictly inforced them with forum and server bans. As far as your freedom of speech comment. Freedom of speech doesn't excuse a person from being held responsible for thier words. Example: I can't be a manager, hire a new employee, then say, "welcome to the team, n*gger" and expect [i]not[/i] to be held legally liable or responsible by saying, "hey, freedom of speech, man." People are still liable for thier words and behavior. Freedom of speech gives a person the rope, but they can still hang themselves by it. Freedom of speech allows a person to actually f*ck themselves, not protect them Again, the aforementioned example. I go back to battlelog when I want to read a more civilized fourm. That fourm and the one you mentioned seem like the white city high society world and this fourm is like mad max. I feel dirty just being here

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