Belle. You created this situation by making a women only clan. Exclusive groups based solely on gender. This can never be tolerated. I don't care if you are a woman.
Just play with everybody. Block jerks. Have fun. Be yourself. There are many nice people who play this game from both genders.
"Can never be tolerated"... Okay. Let's talk about football, exclusive male group tolerated and supported by many. Every president since the beginning of our fine republic. Baseball, hockey...professional I am talking about here. Why don't you just admit losing your automatic go to the front of the line status bothers you. God forbid women have a safe, male free zone in an online game where 99% of the clans are male. threatening. Why don't you ask yourself why women should have to open themselves up to pre-pubescent shenanigans? You state that people should just play with everyone and block jerks as if women were on equal footing with men and are coming to the table on equal footing. This is not the case. Clearly, you do not get it which is typical from someone whom has never been excluded...until someone decided not to invite you to one clan out of thousands in an online game.
Wants to hate everyone for excluding gender. Makes exclusive club for own gendee hates everyone anyway. Gotta love femi-[url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]-ism
That is not feminism but you and the other repliers are obviously too stupid to understand the difference and I am not going to spend time helping you understand because clearly it is above your pay grade. Move along wee morons.
Thats definitely feminism sweet heart lol
Okay, just by reading the first couple of sentences you're already wrong. Football is not a male only sport. Females are just not capable of the physical contact (not being sexist) which is why there aren't any females playing professionally
Edited by Gønzö: 8/7/2015 7:40:54 AMIt's ok, I think this replier is "the dumbs."
dad's of destiny. nuff said.
There are lesion women in dad's of destiny ya know
You idiot. Dad's of Destiny is about HAVING A CHILD and is not based entirely on someone's gender.
LOOOOOOOL. aren't dad's males? Let's make a moms of destiny clan? It'll get the same backlash. Idiot.
You cannot even comprehend. Lololololololol....
You can't comprehend because you're biased. Get the hell out here.
Edited by Bicepus Maximus: 8/7/2015 1:30:38 AMWow... The difference is Dames is EXCLUDING people solely based on gender. Similiar to how the kkk would exclude solely on race. I am not saying Dames is this pathetic but the point remains. Whether the basis for the exclusion is hate or something else the point still remains.... it is exclusive based solely on race or gender. Dad's is about fathers. I would not care about a group of Mothers. It is about parents with Children. I also would not care about a business group... These are NOT BASED SOLELY ON RACE OR GENDER. You are pathetic, sad, and Inherently stupid. You advocate exclusive groups based on gender or race without thought towards skill, personality, etc. You are weak. Finally, you cannot be in favor of groups that discriminate based SOLEY on sex or gender while also condemning others. After 100s of years of progress with women's rights... minorities.... Put on your grown up pants.
So women wanting to play with other women is the same as the KKK which advocates the debasement and killing of people of color (as well as Jews, Hindus, Muslims, etc.), Um ...yeah. You are confusing groups that advocate exclusion because of a perceived right of superiority and viewing non members of said group as lesser/lacking in fundamental rights and access to economic betterment, standard of living, etc. Having a woman only clan is not a means to prevent access to playing Destiny nor is it disenfranchising other players. It is simply creating a safe place for other women to play. How is this affecting your access or ability to play? It is not. That is the difference between groups created as a safe haven, vs groups created solely for the purpose to deny others access, to belittle them, or treat them as inferior. Your point of view is spoken from the point of male privilege. You might want to rethink that as you are assuming women are on equal footing, which we are not.
"Create a safe zone" because everybody in the world hates pu$ so you need to hide to feel safe.
Shut it snowflake. Blah.. blah.. blah. Stop trying to defend exclusive by gender or race.
I remember when there weren't any groups. Just people coming over to play split screen multiplayer. Up to 4 peopl only though
It's a -blam!-ing video game clan. Don't even compare it to the kkk Idiotic analogy. Moron.
Thank you.
Everyone is different. It is a game. Just chill and play with everyone. Judge others on who they are and not their gender or race. Block jerks. Appreciate friends. Be kind to others. Evolve fool..... The thread is not only about a game. If you honestly think this is the case you are clueless.
Hard to just chill when: 1 out of 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Women make much less then men for comparable work. Women cannot travel freely in many countries. You are trying to assume everything is just chill when the day to day experience for women and people of color, non Christian people, transgender folks, gay folks is quite different. Yes, it would be nice if everyone could just chill, but your comment is denying the day to day experience for those whom do not have automatic privilege and power.
Take your feminism shit out of here, maybe if you didnt bitch and moan about how the world is out to get women people may actually give a rats ass about you girls. I say girls because no feminist is a real woman. All those claims are false, females get away with any thing in the majority of the democratic countries. But you want to cry about non sense, bitch go to islam dominant state and spit your tirade of how you dont get equal pay, they will beat you senseless and put your head on a stick for being as free as you are. You think you got it bad imagine the females in those cultures.
Sadly, you are a woman hater and most likely they avoid you like the plague. Your posting indicates as much. Move along wee moron. Move along.
Ah resorting to petty insults. Cudos on properly representing all the girls in the world.
Are you a parrot?