Freedom of speech doesn't excuse a person from being held responsible for thier words.
I can't be a manager, hire a new employee, then say, "welcome to the team, n*gger." And expect not to be held legally liable or responsible by saying, "hey, freedom of speech, man."
You're a perfect example of people who take one small aspect of a law and not see the whole picture.
Smh. People are still liable for thier words and behavior. Freedom of speech gives you the rope, but you can still hang yourself by it. Freedom of speech allows you to actually f*ck yourself, not protect you. Again, see aforementioned example. Genius.
You're not going to be held "legally liable"; you'd probably just get fired.
You can get fired, because your employer doesn't have to keep you hired based on the constitution. Freedom of speech only applies to getting in legal troubles for what you say. If you own a business and say welcome to the team n!gger, you have every right to say that. Odds are, that person will just not work for you anymore.
That's what I mean. I guess I didn't convey my thoughts. Some people have wrote that they can say what they want because of freedom of speech. You can say it, but there are still consequences. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequence. You and I are saying the same thing, I just think I didn't convey my meaning correctly
Edited by IxI Razgriz IxI: 8/6/2015 2:19:03 PMAh I see. Yeah there can be consequences, but most time, there actually aren't. I'm a pretty big advocate of being able to say whatever you want. I grew up in a farm town that was all tractors, foot ball, and bros. I liked video games and going outside sucked, bugs, it's hot, it's humid, it's kinda boring depending on what you're doing. I got picked on, A LOT. I just dealt with it with humor and brushed it off because they are just words. I don't know why people take offense so easily. I mean yeah, it's not "nice" but I'm not sure why we have to spotlight it. I'm a big advocate of equal rights, being nice and all that good stuff. But you're not goin to change people, and eventually you're going to run into someone who is an ass AND has a different opinion from your own. Might as well not be a squishy.
I've always lived in city environments. People can be mean. But you can change society. You MUST change society. It has to be. A society that does grow becomes extinct. Take Sparta or the Roman Empire for example. Smoking was advertised as the cool thing to do and was available is all restaurants. How is smoking viewed and accepted today. Government raises the taxes more and more until people can't afford to smoke. Is it still "cool" by the majority standard? How many restaurants still have a smoking section compared to 40 years ago. Approximately 60 years ago women could even vote, 50 African Americans weren't equal. Around 70 years ago Japanese Americans were put in American concentration camps on the west coast. Online bullying is getting legal and court attention. This may seem like a long time to you, but all of this can occur in one persons life time. What will change during your lifetime? How will the world look when you reach the end of your days? I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings.
We can change society, but you can't change people. If you get what I mean, people meaning the individual. Yeah, socially smoking has gone down, racism has gone down, sexism....etc. but it still exists. I'm not saying that the world can't and won't change. But at the micro scale, the individual level, it Will remain. And being an asshole is a personal trait I'm pretty sure lol lol
Oh, yes. You're absolutely right. Sorry. Yes.