U are talking class and etiquette, but again, they are being childish. U can try to deny it all u want, but anyone with any school will see this as sexist, giving that my gender has nothing to do with this game. But it's okay. I don't care much. But u should know, that when u piss off the majority of the games fanbase(males), u should expect a lot of hate.
Maybe. But a person is still responsible for what they do with those feelings of hate. Bungie/Activision and PSN/MS can still permanently ban those they feel cross the line in HOW they express that hate. This is true for all aspects of life. The law doesn't allow you to do whatever you want free from liability and responsibility for a person's actions. Same with an employer. I can't be a manager and hire a new employee then say, "Welcome to the team, n*gger." This is also true for a company with a community group. Individuals CAN be banned for behavior that a company feels is in excess. Control your emotions. Feel, but be responsible with what you do WITH those feelings.