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Hi guys,
I'm creating a simple angularJS project to grab some info from my characters weekly progress. All is going well in terms of fetching data thanks to the help pages and online searches I did. There's just one thing I can hardly find any info about and that's the additional parameters at the end of an api get. The ones added behind the & character.
Is there a list somewhere on what is what?
&definitions=true gives you an explanation of the data you requested
&mode=<number> filters the result (just found this https://gist.github.com/jdstein1/76efaf11e664133f3ca8 )
But there are more that might improve my efficiency I presume. For instance on the site above I also see:
lc=en, I assume the language of the result
fmt=true and lcin=true, got no clue what they do.
Is there a list or something about these?
Many thanks!
lc & lcin are just saying what language it should return ( English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese ) im dont know what FTM is, and its not documented. For your knowledge: URL extensions is a [url=https://www.google.nl/webhp?&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=URL+extensions]toplevel domain[/url] Everything beyond the '?' in the URL is parsed as GET