Even if my weapons are obsoleted by virtue of attack values, I still want to keep my hard grinded weapons.
I want to keep my Devil You Know, my Fatebringer, my Shadow Price as a sort of "trophy" that I can use in crucible if I want to etc.
Please Bump this if you agree
the only problem is, weapons that are great in PvE usually tend to be lackluster in PvP. For instance, I would never choose to use Fatebring in PvP. I would rather go with my Timepiece, but I would never use the Timepiece in PvE
I burned an etheric on my shadow price, anticipating the auto rifle comeback in ttk. Too bad it still won't be useful in IB.
dude I did the same thing to my shadow price and my old vanquisher :(
Yes because with Bungie you never know whether you want to dismantle something or it may becomes insanely good in some future patch.
Yeah, shadow price might turn into a mega beast after the weapons patch in crucible.