Great point, instead of adding more content bungie has simply replaced content. R.I.P. VoG, CE, PoE and in a few months R.I.P. King's raid. Real MMO's add to what's already there, Destiny simply replaces content.
I do still love VoG. Glad to hear we will be going back to it.
From what I heard they are adding taken enemies to the old raids.
nope, just the mars strikes
Ah ok I must have misheard, well I don't go playing the old story missions except a few for bounties so I guess you can now lump raids in with that.
I don't care what bungie says, unless they make exact replicates, even in names, perks, stats, and aesthetics, but with higher dmg values, vog weapons will always rain supreme
Tried to say that to people. This is not an content expansion, this is content replacement!
Yup. People say they don't want to run old content......yet they grind bounties lol! All I'm saying is that they should have had a plan in place to keep raids relevant at all times. Missions flex up, why not raids after each DLC?
And if it was a living game that is what happens, who needs to play the old content if their is great new content to play.
Absolutely. Furthemore, how much gear should they add in TTK to beat that amount of gear from vanilla+TBD+HOW? I think our variety of gear in best case(numbers) will stay, not increase..
there will be no variety as everyone will be using TTK weapons now