No one likes you white knight. Shut up and go away.
It's funny you use white knight. I'd absolutely love to know what makes me a white knight. I'm not defending her, at most I'm wondering why people support segregation and bullying.
You're wondering why people support segregation yet you're defending a clan that does just that? I don't care that they have an all girl clan it's not like I'm affected by it or yearn to be in it lol. I just see this whole situation as a big joke because it's almost seems as an attempt to "better the Internet and its users" by educating them on sexism and what not. Bottom line is you can't fix the internet and the people that dwell there. People will say what they want whenever they want just because they can. All this post does is just breed more of the behavior that she wants to stop.
[quote]You're wondering why people support segregation yet you're defending a clan that does just that?[/quote] You miss the point of the clan. It's a support group for those who have been harassed and insulted for being born female, a biological identity they can not change. [quote]Bottom line is you can't fix the internet and the people that dwell there. [/quote] I completely agree. Final words on the subject, directly targeting a group of players for being a certain sex is wrong and you should know it's immature. I can't stop you, I know this. However I do wish people would change their ways and probably insult something other than sex. It's kind old. [spoiler]I moderate a streamer who constantly gets insulted for his afro, they only focus on the afro and their jokes are usually the same. It's repetitive and boring to read. Maybe if they were actually clever and humorous, I wouldn't time time them out.[/spoiler]
No I didn't miss the point of the clan at all, I was simply undermining a statement you made to make you look dumb. And if you truly believe I was targeting women or are afraid of them then I'm a little worried about you. Most people could tell the my OP was a joke, even a few GIRL gamers liked it. I even added a *tip fedora* but I guess it went over your head.
Edited by Turferpop: 8/6/2015 7:28:56 PMI got the *tip fedora* joke. I just think the whole sandwich thing is super outdated and overused. Honestly man, I'm at fault for laughing at crude jokes. I wouldn't be so annoyed with jokes about the situation if they were even slightly original (I did laugh at the deej part) My friends make fun of my birthday(9/11) a lot and I tend to laugh pretty hard at the shit they come up with. However I think the actual event was a tragedy.
Well considering the part about DeeJ was sort of the punch line for that joke I would say my mission has been accomplished.
Ok fine, if you have to ask that question you clearly don't understand. Go away, no one likes you. Does that make you feel better?
No, it doesn't really answer my question. Listen, from my perspective, you guys seem to have this weird mentality that video games are guys only and all women have cooties. I'm positive I share this view with many other people. If you can't answer my simple question, it gives me this impression that you honestly do not know, and you're just repeating what others have said to fit in.
It's not that I don't want to explain it to you, but you are a narrow minded fool who will believe what he wants to believe. Keep riding that bandwagon. It's like a gestalt shift, no matter how much that thing looks like a rabbit to you, to me it looks like a duck. I think you are an idiot. I have a GF and many female friends IRL. None of them act the way these dumb dames act. I've also never said girls have cooties or all women are stupid. I don't mind playing video games with women, in fact I love playing games with my GF. Again, no one likes you... Go away.
Like I said, it's what I'm seeing, I don't see what you see. Maybe, just maybe if you took the time to explain it, I'll have some insight on your opinions. As you can see above, I believe I've come to a conclusion with East Astros, I don't know his words on my last reply yet. I know women act different from other women, that much is obvious. Yeah maybe the Dames are a little judgy of male gamers because of some bad experiences, but all I try to do is sympathize with them, I'm not white knighting, I'm not trying to get some, I'm not even directly replying to any of the Dames. I just know what happen was uncalled for and should be prevented in the future.