Because it is... 4 months later? If you can't get enough use out of a gun in 4 months, even playing only an hour a day, then you got some issues. That is over 120 hours (minimum) of gameplay enjoying that gun because of that 1 etheric light. How many games do you have that you even still play after 120 hours?
And even after all that, those guns will still be useful and relevant with all content before this DLC as well as regular Crucible. It still has its place in the game and can be used in those parts, just not the new content, because it has become outdated and the game world has outgrown it, as it should.
I hate to say it (actually, I don't), but your argument is what is really stupid here, and exceptionally petty at that.
[spoiler]Go ahead and reply with some salty tears response. Get those crayons out and start scribbling your reply. Prove to everyone how entitled and sad you are as an individual. I'm waiting for it...[/spoiler]
Dude I play a LOT of games and I never needed a new gun every 4 months to keep the game fun. I mean shit is everyone frickin ADD these days? Hell the games I grew up playing gave you like 1 or 2 guns and they were still fun. FUN is not about ALWAYS getting new guns it's about enjoying the gameplay and guns you like to use...Simple.
So you still play the same games, same content, use the same gear for months and years on end? No need for any change, just doing the same thing over and over? Wow.. you sound like a very boring and simple person. But hey, if that works for you...
Everyone is different. To each their own. I played Dark Souls for over 300 hours and didn't need to switch up much gear after I found my favorite loadout. It's not like I ONLY use 1loadout for Destiny. Hell I use different guns ALL the time in crucible. The point is we should be able to pick and choose from a FULL arsenal not just what's hot off the press. Again just my opinion
I'm sensing you don't really like change, do you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The fact is you will still be able to use all of those guns you have, and they'll work perfectly fine with all the content that currently exists in the game, and still remain valid even in crucible (where you mentioned you use lots of them) where attack power isn't a factor. It just makes sense that as you move forward into new content that you find new gear to experience it with; this is pretty much a common theme in almost every game. They did mention something about gear being used to 'upgrade' other gear in the same slot. So perhaps you'll still be able to carry over that cosmetic look, or specific perk in some way? We don't really know for sure since they were pretty vague on those details. I'll admit I'm pretty impressed you didn't take the troll bait and just start flinging expletives everywhere; gotta respect that. I think you are clinging onto something minor way too much and it could keep you from appreciating and enjoying what TTK has to offer, but as you said, that is your choice... and your opinion.
LOL No I am not a Troll. I like to be reasonable even if I may or may not like You actually have some really good points there and in a way it makes a lot of sense and I never thought about it that way. Sorry if I didn't take the bait. Thanks for not being a douche to me for voicing my opinion :) Maybe I'll come along for the TTK ride afterall :)
Yeah, when I first see a comment from someone that is as brash as yours appeared to me: [quote]That is a very stupid model. Why even add etheric light if it is obsolete only 4 months later?[/quote] I couldn't help myself and went into troll mode to start out. But as you replied and gave a background for your reasoning; though I didn't agree; I saw how it might look from your point of view. Though usually after I post my first brash trolling response, things go downhill. I realized when you didn't drop into that slump in your reply, that though we had differing views that you weren't just being abrasively harsh about the game and hating on it for no reason. Its nice to be surprised with a few level headed responses and that you actually did look at some of my points as well. If you still aren't sure, like I've told several friends, just wait for the reviews, and twitch footage that will surely come upon TTK's release and verify that it really does have enough of what you want. Everyone has a different opinion on what is value for them. Personally with the game informer information, there is enough details now for me to finally know that I will purchase TTK. With 1000+ hours enjoyed in this game (as I play on XB1 and PS4), there is more than enough content now listed for me to get far more than my money's worth. Perhaps if it is enough for you, I'll see you star side fellow guardian!
Thanks buddy I think I will be getting TTK I do really like playing this game and I guess I just need to hope it will evolve in the right way. Thanks for "talking it out" with me...LOL Maybe I'll see you on the battlefield fellow guardian