It's not that I don't want to explain it to you, but you are a narrow minded fool who will believe what he wants to believe. Keep riding that bandwagon. It's like a gestalt shift, no matter how much that thing looks like a rabbit to you, to me it looks like a duck. I think you are an idiot.
I have a GF and many female friends IRL. None of them act the way these dumb dames act. I've also never said girls have cooties or all women are stupid. I don't mind playing video games with women, in fact I love playing games with my GF.
Again, no one likes you... Go away.
Like I said, it's what I'm seeing, I don't see what you see. Maybe, just maybe if you took the time to explain it, I'll have some insight on your opinions. As you can see above, I believe I've come to a conclusion with East Astros, I don't know his words on my last reply yet. I know women act different from other women, that much is obvious. Yeah maybe the Dames are a little judgy of male gamers because of some bad experiences, but all I try to do is sympathize with them, I'm not white knighting, I'm not trying to get some, I'm not even directly replying to any of the Dames. I just know what happen was uncalled for and should be prevented in the future.