My reflections on what happened with the Bungie Bounty and an important message about how to deal with trolls and harassment and how we can change the world. Please watch this is for all of you! <3 thank you
@lnf3Rn0 Dear God dude. fundamentally sexist? Really? If the Dames choose to play with Girls then that's their choice. If for no other reason than to know that they are not going to have to put up with a bunch of bull from the Toxic Minority. It's not sexist. Its a choice. She brought this on herself? My oh My.,A girl Gamer brings hate just by being a girl gamer and joining a clan that she feels is a safe/good choice as a girl gamer. So by your process. A girl going for a night out and dressing nice making herself look good to feel good Deserves anything bad that happens to her. You sir are an ASS!!!!. Muted forever. @Belle, I followed the furor during and after the games. As a male gamer and a Clan member (My own Clan) I was absolutely disgusted by the messages and comments. Unfortunately their is a generation that feels the Internet is a place where they can say whatever they want to whomever they want with no consequences. The same people will be very vocal in this post. Killing them with kindness might not be the answer. A mute/ignore button isn't the answer (although it helps). Educating these people is probably never going to happen. They are going to go through life looking for the minority to rage on to make themselves feel good. Hopefully in the future there will be an enhanced option for console gamers to Delete/Block/Report and be rid of these people. I wish your Dames all the best with your gaming future and hope that by sharing this you can educate at least one person