I own the full weapon set from VoG, Crota's End, Iron Banner and Osiris. With all armor from it (including IB first and second season) plus every exotic.... I don't use them all but to me they're like trophies/achievements and some were really hard to get, so despite understanding an MMO type game, I kinda feel robbed by bungie... :/
And Vanilla destiny weapons are better then Crota's and better then HoW, so let's see how good or bad the TTK weapons will be
Hello fellow collector
Hello there!
Losing that Trials gear, though... Not a pleasant thought, especially after finally getting all the Adept primaries that I wanted withe my favorite elements. 8C
how i understand you
Just keep it, it's not getting removed or anything.
Yeah but on the new nightfall instead of having 20+ options to choose from primaries with elemental damage. Instead we'll only have 5-10
Yeah, we all thought the game was supposed to expand and grow. The current raids and all the rewards from them are now gonna be worthless so we have only [b]TTK content[/b]. Not all of it combined. It's not really growing it's just another 4 hours to repeat a million times. I won't be doing that.