For me it's skolas, all my friends hate doing it because "it's so boring"
It's grindy as frig. I did it once on each character just for the Elder Cipher bounties. I won't be doing it ever again. It just sucks to have that artificial difficulty of +1 level difference which just feels cheap. And for what? Odds are you won't get an elemental primary, and you only get a for sure Elder Cipher on your first run per character (and there's only three of them anyway so BFD). There are people that like the challenge though, you can find a team. Easiest run is one of each class. Hunter can invis to far mines, Titan can bubble cap a nearby mine and Warlock can eat an essence death or just self rez when things go sideways. Everyone can contribute. So bottom line, you will be able to find someone to run it with. Just brick out a good solid 3-4 hours for the run.
They probably mean it takes forever. I agree tho. It is a real long fight.