This doesn't exactly fit the criteria, but it'll work. A few months into Destiny when it came out, a few friends and I decided to spend the night in the Vault since it was our first time. 4/6 of us made it past the gorgon maze because two were AFC. We knew where one was, but not the other. The floating platforms never appeared because all of us weren't there, so we tried every way we could to glitch around. After one AFC kid was kicked for inactivity, we began to wonder where the other one was.
"Hey, does anyone know where Blasters went?"
*the faint sound of a mic turning on*
"Hey, don't mind me. I'm eating cereal."
*the faint sound of a mic turning off*
He had been eating that -blam!-ing bowl of cereal for an hour until we realized he was gone the whole time.
Lmfao a legend.