My favorite t-shirt is pretty worn out, and barely keeps me warm anymore, but it's still my favorite shirt. Just because something is [i]objectively[/i] better, doesn't mean people will like it more. I'm sure the new gear will be awesome, but it won't carry the same [i]meaning[/i] as my favorite Year 1 weapons.
Make new memories
I plan to. Why does that mean I can't keep the old ones, too?
Two words. Last gen.
How does that have anything to do with it? The weapons will still be [i]in[/i] the game, that won't change. Last gen is still going to need to be able to support all the gear in every DLC from now until the game ends.
Vendors cant sell all the gear and there isnt enough vault space. Every mmo at least has guild banks. But not destiny
This is not an mmo, it's a shared world shooter.
Tomato potato