I got it on a strike very early on, with a good roll, tried it out once or twice. The stupid thing sucked mega ass and served its purpose by giving me enough weapon parts to upgrade my MIDA. Why do people like it so much????
EDIT: Thanks for 1k comments!! I ran one dragon strike for shits and giggles today. One. First try. I got another Hopscotch Pilgrim. So thank you everyone
It's great in Pvp with the right perks and just has good has my messenger.
Last word ftw
For people that like high impact pulse rifles it has the highest magazine size of class while maintaining all the other stats comparable to anything else in that category.
I have no clue. I use to like the stalker bng scout rifle. Liked it just for the pic on the side of the gun.
1, you cannot buy it. 2, RNG has to bless you with it 3, #2 makes it as rare as an exotic 4, pulse rifles are the most powerful this current update 5, who doesn't want to kill in 2 burts? 6, it's a Pulse rifle 7, not everyone will have it or get to try it 8, it's a legendary that matches and out classes the best PRs 9, try to get one! bet you cant. if you do then I probably won't
It's rare, it doesn't kick to the left like the spare change.25, it doesn't have elemental damage like the messenger but it can be reforged. Due to its high aim assist and stability it's a very accurate pulse rifle. It's in the same family as the three little words pulse rifle from TDB or old vanilla Destiny. It can be obtained through PoE and vanguard Dragon strikes.
It's a amazing gun if you play to its strengths. Unlike the thorn it takes skill to use will destroy people when used correctly. Doesn't fit everyone.
I prefer the strangers rifle
It's the best pulse rifle from how If rolled right
Because some people can't get the messenger.
The pilgrim is a poor man's messenger
Edited by ShamWowEnthusiast: 8/7/2015 4:31:36 PMI don't know why people are going crazy over it, there are plenty of pulse rifles that are just as good or better than it, that don't require grinding a strike playlist.
Because it's a two pulse head shot even on someone with the ram
PvE? Not much other than being a high impact pulse rifle with little to no recoil. PvP? Two burst to the head, insane stability and 30 rounds? Yes please.
I've been nailed a few times by it. I wouldn't mind giving it a run myself. My all fate is sick, best pulse rifle for me/my style.
It's a red death with more stability and doesn't use your exotic slot on a primary
[quote]I got it on a strike very early on, with a good roll, tried it out once or twice. The stupid thing sucked mega ass and served its purpose by giving me enough weapon parts to upgrade my MIDA. Why do people like it so much????[/quote] Hi I'm so cool thorn is cool I am cool
Rare and supposedly just as good as the messenger
Edited by HyperVigiIant: 8/7/2015 5:11:38 PMIt's a good weapon, but I think it is so sort after because of its rarity. The fact that not a lot of people have it makes it hard for people to disprove statements like 'it's the best weapon in the game'. People watch videos like this - http://youtu.be/RyZq8rYWxag and get intrigued.
because two burst kill
38 on headshot
Most are crazy for it because they can't get a messenger.
Maybe its not the gun???? Its the guardian
Won't be so popular after TTK drops... :-(
It's the best legendary PVP weapon in the game if rolled correctly. It's worth the grind. Mine has hidden hand and outlaw....headshot magnet! What I like about it the most is the fact that it can hold it's own against thorn and last word, I hate using those weapons...it gets old .