Strictly speaking just about any game where you have multiple character classes to pick from as your main character COULD be considered an RPG in my book, But that's not really the point. BUNGIE SAID this wasn't supposed to be 'one of those games'. They wanted us to build 'legendary' characters. It was their reasoning for not putting a trading system of any kind in it. It's hard to 'build' something when they keep coming behind us and knocking it down.
No it just has all the elements of one. And you are not an idiot.
What RPG elements does it have? I'm curious what you think about that.
A leveling system that directly affects the player, a loot system based off RNG. Also has free roaming elements. Yes Destiny is a fps, but it is also rpg styled.
Dead Island/Dying Light are both the same way. That's not considered an RPG, though. Anything else?
They actually are by many reviewers. Only an idiot says Destiny is not an RPG. It has also been called an mmo.
Which it is neither.
Never said it was a rpg. Just rpg styled. Also the ability to create your own character, although limited options in my tastes.
Its not that Destiny is special in some sense or that its "new" either. I wouldn't call those RPG specific elements, I mean at this day and age in gaming, those aspects are pretty common across the various genres.
Your ignorance! It's Super Effective!!!!!!!!
True. But borderlands is considered an rpg, despite being semi linear like Destiny. I don't consider Destiny a rpg despite it having a rpg feel. I rest my case. Going on a tangent, as much as I am excited for taken king, once fallout 4 comes out I'm dropping Destiny for maybe 2 months.