2 burst kill like the messenger and red death. It more than twice the base stability than these weapons, and is the only one of them with customisable perks.
I won't be grinding for it anymore though. Won't be worth it when TTK comes out.
It will still be good for crucible
This is not confirmed fully...from what I heard it's more of day one weapons not all of the year one weapons
Listen to the DEEJ and IGN interview. DEEJ confirms that the weapons will still be viable in levels disabled (normal) crucible but not iron banner and trials.
Edited by Mu Nova: 8/7/2015 6:20:35 AMThis is what I started to think, but I figure I might as well keep trying so I can use the thing for ordinary Crucible.
I was considering grinding for it but like you said TTK weapons will be so much better it's not even worth it