This is my main concern and is why I will not be buying TTK until I see entirely what it encompasses. Unless Bungie makes some drastic change to the new weapons and perks available, I will simply see that it will be another repeat failure of HoW type weaponry. I keep trying to tell people that I'm quite certain that the new guns will be significantly inferior to our old VoG ones taking into account Bungie's pathetic track record on implementing new guns (Necrochasm, PoE Skolas weapons anybody?). If these new guns were to be better than my Fatebringer and VoC, I'd have no problem putting them down and moving forward, however, we already know that Bungie has removed perks like field scout and hammer forged. These new weapons will be worse already straight out of the gate without those perk options. Then factor in their idiotic across the board nerfs to hand cannons, and it is going to make for an ugly experience. I can see the handwriting on the wall from here already and I don't care to be a part of that.
Even though I haven't been impressed at all with HoW weapons (Messenger/Hopscotch are decent PVP pulse rifles and that's about it), The fact that they're adding more weapons than currently exist in the game is promising. Combined with the whole foundry system, and the ability to improve weapons by sacrificing other weapons (whatever that means) looks like they've overhauled the whole weapon system. TDB and HoW weapons felt like a "quick lets slap a couple of unique weapons together" where as this seems like a more measured, well thought out approach. Proof still remains to be seen of course, but some of the crucible footage so far looks pretty promising. The idea of "building" a weapon up over time seems a lot more interesting than wasting mats chasing a perfect roll