Lel, when did 3520 become "low?" -blam!- off, troll. What do you gain sitting there acting stupid? "Hey guys look how retarded I am! Jk lol was just pretending to be retarded!" It's time to stop posting, and go do something productive.
You people could really learn stuff from me.
No one could learn anything from you.
They really could i feel like i may be a prophet.
I feel you need a life if your free time is spent trolling people in the internet.
It's time to stop posting. You aren't remotely a funny troll. You're just regurgitating garbage.
I am funny though
Not really. Just a braindead child posting for the sake of posting because you get some kind of entertainment annoying people on the internet. It's pretty sad. Go read a book or something.
He's pretty funny though. You kinda fell for the b8 m8
Do not tell me what to do.
Your daddy problems are showing.
You can learn a lot from a dummy. Proven fact