With the right roll on skorris revenge kill time is 3rd fastest in the game. .47 seconds
Gonna buy it now hahahaha
Skoris is Hella op lol. Even downed quite a few thorn and last word users who obviously couldn't aim or get the headshot glitch.
It is op I never knew. I'm gonna try it this weekend.
It's one of those weapons where if bungie doesn't include it in the nerf pulse rifles will become the new meta and I really don't want one weapon type to be the only ring you see in crucible everything should be able to compete but it's far from it.
Ya but I didn't read the pulse rifle section in the update as them getting nerfed. I personally think pulse rifles right now are perfect.
Not once hand cannons get nerfed. Weapons like the hopscotch messenger skoris revenge bad juju Red death will be way to strong unless they really make those headshots harder to get. Not saying their not fine right now but after the balancing I have a fear they will be the new meta and I don't think that's the right move. I think everything needs to be on par with each other.
I agree if two hand cannons have ttk of <1.0 seconds so should other weapons.