Not on Destiny but COD.....
Playing with a group of friends and a random on our team. Random proceeds to answer his phone and discuss a significant drug deal, oblivious to the fact we can hear both sides of the conversation.
He arranges a time, place and amount then calls his [u]dad[/u] to sort out the money and transport. During this conversation we are whispering to each other "does he know we can hear everything". One of our guys even suggested an interception!!!
After five minutes or so he comes 'back' and continues as if nothing happened.
TL;DR - If drug dealers had coke for brains they'd struggle to form a line....
No wonder they always get caught. Same thing happened to but I was travelling on a coach.
"Hey guys!" "Who the hell are you?" "We are your raiding buddies! Give us your drugs!" "HOW DID YOU KNOW???!?!"