Just watched it and with the role of light vs our levels I think there is still room for us to not be level 34.
Look at it this way, we have 2 levels one is our base level 20 the other is our light level 168 which in the current game replaces base level
He says our level won't change, sure but since they separate the two in ttk it would not be wrong if we went in at level 20 because our base level would be unchanged. Our light level would also stay the same
Since they are upgraded differently we could still have 20 levels to gain even though we are effectively doing the same damage and have the same defense we have now due to how light levels work
So for example VoG hard, we CAN run that at base level 20 because that will no longer dictate how much damage we deal and take. VoG hard won't be a base level 30 raid anymore but instead a LIGHT level 120 raid that we run at base level 20 and light level 120
So what I'm saying is we COULD still have 20 base levels to go while maintaining our same damage output and defensive ratings
Essentially we won't notice a change except in our base level number but since activities will be off of a suggested light level we can still do everything we have but would still have from levels 20-40 to level up
No. Deej said that if you're 34, you'll start TTK as a 34.
I'd direct you to Planet Destiny podcast 30 where they discuss this and say basically what I've described above. I may well be wrong, I readily admit that, but there is no definite answer Deej NEVER says you will be base level 34 he dodges the question They discuss it at the 25 minute mark in the podcast
He said you will enter TTK as whatever level you are now. Watch the interview again..
He was very cagey about what that means though, he never said being 34 now means you'll be base level 34 on the way to 40
Please stop copying and pasting, don't spread misinformation.
I'm not so many people are bashing folks calling them idiots I'm just helping their argument I agree with most that this may not be the case but don't want everyone to be dicks to people who can see it another way
You start as the lvl you are now. It doesn't say you just at 20, stop spreading misleading information.