I honestly think destiny is a game that is expanding every day and soon the it will run out of surprising and new things as it always does before a major DLC. After watching the new Taken King video i had an idea to introduce the ability to fly to your destination in your customised ship of choice thus rendering that dastardly ship slot in your character customisation finally useful.It would be another way to differentiate players and add a whole new element to the game, space travel with intergalactic firefights. This would truly emphasise an 'open-world' game and a program not unlike No Mans Sky and , if implemented into the game, would create a game unlike any other. Cut all the crappy cinematic wormhole cutscenes and replace them with space stations and interplanetary airports to store your ships. Please do this bungie, it would be so amazing.
Well it's a great idea and has been brought up probably thousands of times, but unfortunately it's bungie and they won't do that