Mine has
-Third Eye
-Braced Frame (maxes out stability)
So it's awesome.
I have the same.
If only you could get hidden hand and headseeker 👌
Maxed stability is op
With the maxed out stability is there any muzzle rise? Or does it shoot like a they-shot scout rifle?
There's like no movement whatsoever. It's amazing.
Thanks! That sounds epic.
How many re-rolls did it take you to get it like that or did it just drop like that
It took me like 3 or 4.
I got reactive reload,brAced frame,and spray and play
Mine has third eye , braced frame, hidden hand ;) better than headseeker imo. Why.? Because the stability is so damn high that you get headshots for days
Third Eye and reactive reload :3
I have the exact same one!
Me too, loving it on my warlock.