I have an adept messenger. Sorry to break it to you, but Hopscotch is better.
I have an adept one as well. I can stand across the way on Pantheon and take people out in two bursts with Messenger.
I can do the same with Hopscotch. However, one advantage I have over Messenger users is rather than wasting a perk slot with Third Eye(Arguably one of the most useless perks if you're actually good at PvP), I have Reactive Reload. Within 2 seconds of a reload, body hits are 34 and headshots are 51. Meaning I can 2 burst kill to the body. Also Outlaw is much better than Headseeker, since 90% of my kills with it are headshots.
I also have an adept Messenger and i totally agree. A pulse rifle shouldn't outgun scouts across the map and yet a Hopscotch with Hand-laid stock and rangefinder does just that.