I don't care about the price. That's chump change. What I care about is will the content be up to snuff. You make a great point. Next gen is finally starting to get rolling and once it does there will be a lot more options. Destiny was extremely popular at a time when there weren't very many options on next gen. They need to stop focusing on superficial changes like vendors and weapon balnace and start pushing out some real content. TTK looks awesome and finally a new explorable area, but honestly they should have been adding areas to the game already. They should put out something the size of TTK every 3 months. People would be "throwing money at the screen." I don't give a shit about your emoticons, give me continual content. TTK looks great, but it's not gonna last 6 months. They better have some real follow up planned this year.
Beautiful and well thought out comment. Greatly appreciate it.
http://m.imgur.com/a/xs5fZ. Game informer played it for 2days and wrote 8pages on it. Gonna be awesome
Yeah I read that. Like I said, TTK looks great, but it's not gonna last 6 months. At least not for mosy players. 2 if they are lucky. They better start pushing bigger expansions in shorter time frames because players are definitely dropping off in between with these long waits. My friends list is a ghost town on Destiny right now. I'm sure many friends will come back for TTK, but they will fall of somewhere in between one and two months. So like I said, Destiny should be putting out expansions the size of TTK every 3 months, if they hope to keep anything like a continous player base. Especially coming into year 2.