Watch the interview. We'll be 20. Light is being separated from player level but is still what determines your power level. Your player level is 20. Your current light level depends on what gear you are wearing. They cam force you to be locked at a level just because enough forgot to equip your 34 gear. You will be 20 but your effective power level will be the exact same as now until you get better gear.
Also...something you need to take into consideration...with the house of wolves the last mission is level 28, which means you couldn't do several missions from either dlc. Do you really think they are going to drop our characters lower that what the last dlc has? Bungie may have made some mistakes...but they ain't stupid.
Edited by Rick: 8/10/2015 2:06:49 AMYou missed the point. Activities, missions, etc will have recommended Light Level requirements according to DeeJ. Since light level is no longer tied to player level, wearing "34 gear" at the new level 20 player level means you are just as powerful as you were before. Light determines your power level, not player level. So instead if recommended level 28, it will be a recommended amount of light which you already have.
- Check quit your cryin.
Watch their podcast from Friday. These guys don't even agree on that article. Regardless, their opinions are not any more relevant than anyone else's. I'll come back here when you're proven wrong.
Seriously...there is a dang tweet stating what is going to happen...but I guess you're too busy to notice it.
No there isn't. Unless you mean someone tweeting that isn't Bungie. You are not going to be 34 and DeeJ never said you were.
That's how it works now...they are changing ot to where you lvl normally.