[b]*Chelovek freezes, then unzips his Chemsuit to reveal a bulletproof vest with several blocks of C4 wired to a detonator in his glove*[/b]
10 pounds of Composition 4 plastic explosive, 500 .30 caliber pellets. Don't try anything funny.
Now what is this.
A soldier with Lieutenant's bars on his sleeve steps forward. [b]We lost 30 good men last night. They called you for help, gave the proper clearances. You denied your own organization's existence and hung up. So we wanted to take you to see what we fought, so you'll understand.[/b]
Wrong. They had no clearances. Even if they did, we did not have the resources. I'm not even from this planet. I don't trust you. I don't trust anybody. Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to. Or would you, your friends, and this city block like to be terminated?
The Lieutenant laughs. Behind him, the soldiers begin to board the M113. [b]Alright, alright. We get the message. By the way...[/b] [i]We aren't from around here either. [/i] The troops disappear as suddenly as they approached.
[b]*Chelovek zips back up his suit, and continues hurriedly walking*[/b] Damn them. Now I'm probably going to be late.