[b]When Andrew returns to Brink, he shoots him in his kneecap, hacks his tac-pad and takes 500c for all the bullets he wasted[/b] "THATS FOR NOT TELLING ME THE ENTIRE STORY!!!!" [b]he then leaves. You have only lost 500c[/b]
*the bullet boucnes off, he draws his katana and slahses you* pitty just a diry gunner form the streets.....
Okay andrew is just going to slide away... He was told this was a red semi patrolling the citadel, one turret, 5 random soldiers (SOLDIERS, not agents or operatives), and a commander, not a character!!!!!
(soldier are roopers and thats their equipemnt they are ment for heavy comabt een War, the commander is a character but to a vovid breaking role he jsut said commander
[quote](soldiers are troopers and thats their equipment. They are meant for heavy combat in war. The commander is a character but to avoid breaking the rules he just said commander)[/quote] Whats that last sentence again i dont think i got it right
(the commander is a character, to dont break the 4th wall he said COmmander who the other character is
Heavy troopers... In war... THEN WHY THE HELL ARE THEY PATROLLING THE PRISON IN AN APC???? This doesnt make sense...
they dont have anythign for Urban combat. this si the smallest stuff they have. well apart form stelaht reocn missions
[quote]they dont have anything for Urban combat. this is the smallest stuff they have. well apart form stealth recon missions[/quote] If they are a branch of the Overwatch (patrolling the damn Overwatch sponsored prison in an APC), thats definitely not right.
They aint htey are much larger and dangerous
Okay i no longer understand why you type so funny.... This is becoming annoying... If its a disability, i apologize for being an ass. If its clear ignorance of spell check then I'm getting pissed off.
My spell check is on Spanish. I am Mexican
Then set your spell check to English dude... Unless you type Spanish on all the English forum posts...
Then set your spell check to English dude... Unless you type Spanish on all the English forum posts...