Don't blame bungie blame activision...bungie couldn't afford to produce this game without the financial support of activision. That's what -blam!-ed them over. If they could get out of their contract with activision then we would have the game we asked for. But they can't and that's why the game is being broken down into dlcs. Bungie is the game. Activision is the wallet.
Edited by Malphisto: 8/8/2015 11:09:48 AMYeah, but to be fair, to an extent Bungie could be doing things on their own accord which they are choosing not to. Like their ever non-existent presence in the community, for example. The contract doesn't have anything in there about that.
Every last detail deej or cosmos releases to the community must be ran through the board of directors both at bungie and then at activision. That is very common in every corporation. It's no surprise. If they release to much information it could ruin their sales further. If they don't release enough then the community rages. There is a very fine line on what they can release and not set any chain reactions. The media will destroy a company. It's all business tactics. Bungie/activision are businesses not nerds building out of their garage. Now with all that said I do not support them I do believe there is many issues that need to be addressed ie: vault space and server errors. But as far as content goes they pulled a very smart move. They can't pay their employees if they don't have a good stream of revenue. This is where the locked content comes into play. They want to build this amazing world for us guardians to enjoy but we have the help build it. If we don't then kiss destiny goodbye