They are still incorporating light into the stats so I think there might be a pretty good chance that well go back to 20 with level 34 light gear. This will put us at an advantage to someone only at level 20. And honestly I'm ok with that. I want repeatability. You all want to start at 34 and be maxed in two weeks? Booooring. Thsts my take.
Bump because this is exactly what's going to happen.. and people will bitch n moan because they honestly thought they will be a at lvl 34 at launch.
This is not what is going to happen, DeeJ confirms in the IGN interview that you will go into TTK at the level you have attained
I agree. I know Bungie said we would start at level 34, but it doesn't seem logical that our exp level will jump to 34. Bungie is big on grinding. Why jump everyone well over half way through the new leveling system?
Agreed. We'd be more than 3/4 the way through. They don't want that.