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8/8/2015 3:10:00 PM
Its interesting seeing seeing all the threads on this forum and reading has given me mixed feeling on how i was looking at this game. Now from looking at it as someone that is new to the forum which I'm not, i can see how it would confuse them or make them make decisions based off of others opinion and other's that are too easy to jump on the bandwagon. This is a prime example why so many are socall attach to their gear and weapons. I'm a year one and have over 2,700 hours into this game so i know what it is to grind. When i first started playing i had all kinds of intrest wanting to explore leveling up getting new gear, weapons etc. Then i started doing vog, getting from level 28 to 30 was a big deal wg at i realize today but not back then so much was, it wasn't so much that i really wanted to jusy get to level 30. It was the players that were there already made me feel i had to. I didn't have icebreaker,or ghorn but did have patience and time. That was one of my first exotics and at that time it was a big deal to have that particular weapon because i didnt have icebreaker. Players at that time made you feel if you were not a level 30 or if you didn't have icebreaker you weren't good enough to join their team. So im sure as many that didn't have it like me felt the need or want to really have it and not having it stoped me from doing vog as much as as much as I would have liked to. So this led to more of needing icebreaker then actually just wanting a weapon to just have fun. This is how the forums have become in one form or another. Players are, Well all these people are saying this so ill go off of what others are saying because i dont want to miss the bandwagon. Its the same way ingame, players are saying you need this you need that and if you dont have it, it makes that need more so. So, getting back lol it took over a thousand hours before i got my first icebreaker and from day one till that i watched friend, randoms in just about every event that you could get it from and Crota time and time again. By this time not having it the frustration built and finally that day came. I got it, but it wasn't from vog, crota, nightfall etc. It was from xur. My socalled excitement of wanting something like that was gone and i was was disappointed, thinking to myself. Wtf! why is xur selling the top sniper in this game and that weekend Bungie posted on how my players bought it. It was literally over a million that did that weekend so now im thinking everyone and there mother has this now. So that whole time of wanting something and watching others get it. I lost interest in it and the samethings happen when i got ghorn knowing xur once again sold that. Me personally,i think xur has -blam!-ed up this game that half the players dont know the feeling of what it means to have a real drop for a top weapon and dont appreciate it if you look at things that way. So i can see how some are attached to their weapons. As for me, im not and even though i did the raids to and have all vog and crota weapons i realized this game does not make you feel you earned them knowing xur will just seel them over time. Im actually bored of icebreaker, ghorn, fatebringer ect. Im looking forward on seeing somthing new, new effects etc. I want to explore and have the feeling of what was there at one point, but hope at the same time zur dont destroy that for me. Xur needs to go, he is a hand out and has destroyed this game for me in one sence.

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