I don't want to use the same weapons for forever. Bungie is offering you a new car but you want to keep riding your bike. And that's fine. Just don't buy into the expansion if you don't want to, nobody is forcing you to.
Edited by Jake cant shoot: 8/8/2015 4:36:37 PMWe are driving used cars and they are trying to sell us another used car for more money than we just payed. We don't want it so under their terms and conditions they went under the hood of our car and reworked it. It now caps out at 25mph. Bungie again advertises the new used car. Now your tempted because what you have now is a piece of shit.
Change isn't always bad, buddy.
Edited by Jake cant shoot: 8/8/2015 5:32:46 PMI don't mind changing for year two. But why nerf year one guns also? If I don't buy the expansion my guns are still getting nerfed. Will the year one content be balance to make up for the nerf to our guns? Will they just keep the same hp while my guns are doing less damage
The reason they are nerfing year one weapons is so that people will want year two weapons. If they kept year one weapons the same, they would have the house of wolves problem all over again. You can still use it in year one activities (VoG, CE, crucible) and have it be effective. But in TTK content you have to use the new, more powerful guns.
Edited by Jake cant shoot: 8/8/2015 5:56:08 PMThat's what ascension is for no? If the weapons truly were going to be better than why nerf and not allow ascension. Those ttk guns are gunna suck. Mark my words There is no need to nerf if they aren't going to be ascended. Unless the weapons of year two are extremely lackluster and our weapons need to be brought down a few pegs for them to be worthwhile
Exactly right
You're probably talking about the weapon changes coming in 2.0 Those don't just apply to year 1 guns. You think year 2 HCs will be the scout rifles that year 1 HCs were? No. The only thing that is happening to year 1 weapons is that they are going to stay in year 1. That doesn't mean that they are useless. It just means they are going to be useful in year 1 content and crucible and less useful in TTK content. You will need more powerful weapons to be useful in TTK. That's the way it should be. What this article (and you, no offense) are arguing for is equivalent (although this is an extreme example to ascending Khvostov over and over again. Let's face it, as soon as you got a new weapon you forgot all about the Khvostov. Don't worry buddy. The weaponss in ttk are gonna be good.
I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Only pre how weapons are effected by these legendary perk nerfs. Scroll to the bottem of the 2.0 update to see what I'm talking about. They are targeting all the favorite perks. Field scout, Perfect balance, sent it. All being nerfed. The only weapons with those perks are pre HoW weapons
You mean the year 1 exotics? All of those guns that got nerfed deserved to get nerfed, quite frankly. As for the vanilla and TDB perks, those were op as well. I think it's stupid that I have a TDB Plug.one.1 that has range finder and grenadier and send it. The weapon comes with very high stability, meaning that I can get a reliable OHK at a very very long range. Now with the range finder nerf, I won't be able to use it as effectively as I was before. And that's a good thing. Shot package deserved a nerf. Range finder deserved a nerf. I like the new weapon changes. It makes it more interesting because you have to sacrifice a certain stat in order to get more of a stat you like. Take casket mag for example. You get more ammo but less stability. So you have to either get closer to deal with less stability or be careful with your shots. And anyway... you're complaining about something that is going to happen no matter what you are I say about it. Might as well start accepting it.
It makes you the only one, most of us don't like this rebalance crap, except the auto rifle boost, also the vex has been permanently ruined by now, no one is using it anymore, and why? Cause Bungie ruined it
Oh sorry. I didnt realize you like going to the crucible and seeing everyone use the same stuff. (hand cannons, shotguns, and rocket launchers) Way to be a team player for variety of options for guns to use.
I hate the crucible ,
The initial problem with the main post is that the author is treating Destiny like CoD. Destiny is not just a FPS. It is an MMOFPS. They are making it more like an MMO, which I enjoy. If you want to go play a game and have the weapons be the same all the time, go play CoD. If you want an evolving game, play Destiny. It's that simple. And if you don't want TTK, then don't buy TTK. It's that simple. By the way, *paid.
Edited by Jake cant shoot: 8/8/2015 5:46:24 PMAgain. I am fine with evolving games. I played mmos before. What bungie is doing is not the norm for mmos. Generally the old gear is still the same in the old content. With bungie nerfing the gear it won't be the same. I can understand not ascending, but to also nerf is my problem. Those guns will no longer be the same as they were before, for no other reason than bungie forcing us to move on. If I don't buy TTK and want to play year one content the guns I have it won't be the same. They will be less than they used to be. Why do you think bungie is doing that? It's another ploy to get people to buy dlc
The guns will be the same in year one content. They aren't increasing the level cap of year one content. Year two content level cap is being increased.
But they are nerfing all the perks of all year one legendaries while also keeping all the content the same. Artificial difficulty. Anyone who doesn't want to buy TTK are having their guns nerfed into the ground. The year one content will NOT be the same as before with nerfed guns.