Have you gone flawless or not? Were you carried? Post in the comments if you know someone who has been carried.
(I went flawless with my team and was not carried. We each put in our own work and abilities, as we were all different classes)
I originally meant trials, but I like the comments about raids too, keep up the comments, guys!
Edited by uthmankarimabadi: 8/13/2015 2:17:46 AMHelping people go flawless this weekend Add uthmankarimabadi Gonna be playing as my hunter 1.7 kd in trials All I ask is have a mic and don't be a kid (they don't listen) Add if u need help PS4
Never have, probably never will lol
Not in VoG though
Yep with 6 people on CE normal
'Twas easy. Did it a few times. But I couldn't carry someone nor was I carried. I'm good but I need a good team to back me up
8-1 twice...
What is Skolas's favorite cereal? Kellogg's
I try hard and I'm part of the team, but I'm carried every time. My clan mates are drastically better than I am
8-0 weasel code. ARGHHHHH
I just need a team of playing with the same people , its too unpredictable for me , trials is the only thing i cannot do in the game , went 8-1 one time and i dont think its going to happen ever again , atleast as long as i use my titan for it . :/
I have no teammates and no flawless trials. Played a few passages and the best run with lfg peeps was 5-0 which quickly turned into 5-3 lol. Its funny when people from lfg become overly apologetic because we are losing. I think they are use to getting beat up by better players.
So many liars. I play trials enough and I see trash players with the flawless emblem all the time.
Yeah. And not carried. I don't know how to see ToO K/D But i think it was kinda decent.
Ye been flawless many times. Don't really do ToO anymore since I've got everything I want from it a long time ago. Did some more runs to try and get a mate a solar handcannon, but he got that two weeks back from Skolas. First time was just after the ToO release, I went 9-0 using my mercy and thought I didn't get to go the lighthouse because of that loss that was scrapped by the mercy. Ye I'm that guy that just presses X when a message pops up in a game so I didn't read the flawless message. Turned off my ps4 and went to skype and talked with some mates who really wanted to go flawless but couldn't play at the time and they told me about this lighthouse place they saw on Twitch. I told them about my run. They pointed out I get to go to the lighthouse even when you use your mercy so that made me happy. Didn't think I'd go flawless so many times after that
I wouldn't say I got carried but I hover between a .9-1 kd on all characters except Titan. And I've been flawless 6 times
I went to Disneyland and fit inside a cozy backpack. It was great.
Going for a flawless VoG normal. Must be level 34 to join and know what you're doing. Message Sgt Grumpy Bear for a invite.
I got to 8 wins flawless then the next match we were winning 4 to 1 and the other team used a lag switch and we all got booted. I think I broke my controller that day:).
We did pretty good last week using NLBs. Got to seven wins before finishing our cards. Silver tier got me a gally :)
I go flawless 3x a week. Used to help carry people through until it tanked my kd. Didn't realize how many people sucked at it
Lol at the amount of people who don't think they were carried.
I don't care enough about pvp to try flawless. I do iron namer everytime cause that's easy. I just don't have enough interest in pvp to do it.
Had a team where all of us where decent players and knew how to run a good team. And it was actually very fun tbh
Looking for a team on trials can get a few kills but need some people who know what they are doing send me a msg if intrested gt ^^^ thanks
Never won a trials game. Send help :0
Gone 0-3 every time I've played, so I had to check yes. :D