[b]wakes up[/b]
"Wha.. what happened"
*gets up and looks around*
Edited by bagelbro123: 8/9/2015 5:30:18 AM[b]The man in the chair turns around away from his desk to look at you. Hes a middle aged man, caucasian, lab coat, he takes off the glasses hes wearing and gets up. [/b] "Whoa now... Take it easy... There aint no need to be in a rush. Now, can you tell me your name? Also, how do you feel? I tried to patch you up but i dont know if i did too good of a job doing it."
My name is Thomas (The Demon ) Markov. I have a headache.
"Well sorry 'bout that. That might stick with you for a while so i suggest you take these." [b]He grabs an enormous bag of Advil bottles out of his coat and hands them to you. you're left wondering what kind of addiction he must have to Advil.[/b] "That guy that attacked you, its your choice if you want to hunt him down or not, but I last saw that man down near the bar. You might want to ask around there for him."
"Attacked ?" *remembers the custom 9mm* "THE BAR, WHERE IS IT ?"
"Whoa... Slow down there... Its just down the street dont get too crazy..." [b]the doctor pops a ton of drugs, and then runs out the door, tearing off his clothes as he does so.[/b]
Thanks. *goes out to the bat*
[b]The bar is near empty, only a few people are there. You can ask the bartender about ithose men though.[/b]
*goes and sits at the bat* "Hey have you seen couple of men with stripped suits ? "
"Sure did. Overheard them talking about heading to Mirp. Dont know much else though."
"Milp ?, where is it located"
"Just Southeast of here."
"Thank you" *gets out of the bar and starts heading southwest*
"Wrong way!!!" The bartender calls after him.
*looks at my compass* "Thank you again sir" *goes towards southeast*
"No problemo!" [b]During your trip, you encounter lots of dangerous wildlife. When you finally reach Mirp, you encounter armed men who look like they have done time in the New Paranorm Republic (NPR)prison northwest of Mirp. The shoot at you on sight. [/b]
*goes and hides behind a rock* I just have a damn knife, u need to see how any of them are there. *looks at the group*
"DUM BOEE GUN DY! YEEEEHAWW!!!!!" [b]The hillbilly convicts shoot at you still. When you peak up, you notice there are only four of them. You can take them.[/b] [spoiler]gets up*** *charges* *BANG BANG BANG BANG!!!!* *dead*[/spoiler]
"Four huh" *picks up a rock and throws it to distract them, sees them shooting at the rock* "Now is my chance" *runs towards the closest one and stabs him in the neck, and grab his body and weapon, and shoot at the other three* "And there is that, hahaha" *searches their bodies for ammo, weapons, and supplies*
[b]You find... 43 10mm rounds, some random outfits that no one likes, two Varmint rifles, and 57 5.56mm rounds. You continue into a casino called "Vance and Vikkis!"[/b]
[spoiler]Vance is kidnapped right ?[/spoiler] I got some firearms now. *sits at the bar* Have you seen any men in stripped suits coming by ?
Edited by bagelbro123: 8/10/2015 3:28:02 PM[spoiler]No vance and vikki are the fake crime duo that is based off of bonnie and clyde... The casino is named after them...[/spoiler] "Hmmm.... I recall seeing em but i didnt hear notin. The sheriff might though. Just across the road."
[spoiler]oh I remember a quest from Fallout where you go into the building in front of the casino and rescue someone [/spoiler] "Thank you." *goes to see the sheriff*
[spoiler]hey im going to sleep now ok?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]sure man [/spoiler]