My family is muslim but i only believe in God thats it. I believe in jesus and all the other religious people but i dont have a thing that i have to pray everyday and so on i only believe in God
Edited by SSG ACM: 8/9/2015 12:42:30 AMNeither do Christians. The habit you may have heard that some "Christians" do is that they pray via beads and sacraments to the saints, the mother of Jesus, and ultimately God, but that "ordinance" was promulgated by the Catholic Church, an organization that kept mankind in the Dark Ages and had a habit of siphoning the mass of their living.
No i mean i only believe in God i dont even pray i just think that God exists thats it
You're not Muslim?
Well not really my family is but not me
Why is that, if I may ask?
Well people are saying that the earth was an accident and that god doesn't exist but how was anything made if god doesn't exist. I dont believe that god is going to love us more if we pray and do other stuff like that. I think that god respects us the way we are as long as we dont cause bad stuff. As long as we respect who he/she is then he/she will respect us back. I dont believe stuff like moses split and ocean in half and stuff like that because i have only heard it as a rumour. I have not seen it actually happen so yeh. My mum is the same as me but she meditates a lot and she says when she meditates that she can see the universe and see her dad again.