Thats 30 more minutes than I want to spend playing this game.
You are talking to someone who only does the nightfalls, weeklies, and then maybe 3 or 4 strikes and calls it a week at this point.
I have other games that I can get much more enjoyment out of and just don't see the point in putting in the time for something that is pretty much meaningless.
I feel ya. I don't even do weeklies anymore. Just play pvp, nightfalls if i feel like it and will always raid with buddies. Just saying that gathering all chests and ghosts gave me a fresh look on destiny, exploring patrol gave me more fun i've had in weeks. Also i've been playing bastion, god of war, fifa. It's nice to play something else if you're burned out on destiny. Seems like destiny is changing alot for the better imo. Let's hope taken king is as good as the hype makes it look, and that it will last:)
I have been playing GTAV and Bloodborne
Nice man i have bloodborne myself but still haven't gotten into it, not even on that first boss yet. Consider it lack of patience for the moment, one day though^^