From a guy who owns both a 360 and a one. The competition is higher on old gen.
You've gotta be kidding me. So all those guys listed in microsofts top ten on dtr are all 360?
I'm just saying I've encountered more skilled players on 360 then 1. I don't know about those top 10 mlg time investment guys I'm just saying the player base on 360 gives me more of a challenge.
I see. Which console do you have more time logged on? I mean what are we basing this on? Regular crucible with the same load out? Iron banner with equally leveled characters and weapons or what?
I am talking overall Crucible, regular, IB, Trials, custom sweaty matches. And I would say I have more time on the x1 than 360.
I play on 360 and I would absolutely destroy you
No you wouldn't.
Look at your stats. Look at mine
I took the liberty of looking at your stats. And the only thing it tells me is you have tough games too. Also, less skilled opposition on the 360. Furthermore you'd better get your act together before September because I hear TTK isn't coming to last gen.
You barely have a 1 kd and some are neg. look at my hunter Look at battle broskis stats Do you think your better then every 360 player?
Never said I was better than anyone. The facts are the facts. There's a reason people like nerd dominate on the 360 and that's because there's less skilled opponents. I'm playing with the rest of the world and your demographic is smaller. Sorry, that's just how it is.
Moron confirmed?
Did you walk past a mirror and gaze in?
I can't gaze into a mirror if I walked past it. To reiterate, moron confirmed.
Lmao, that you couldn't add two and two together confirms my suspicions. You probably think Forrest Gump is an autobiographical screen adaptation of a real guy too. Enjoy the short bus the rest of your life. Muted.
You said you were Better than nerd and you said you were better than me. Your stats prove you wrong. 360 has competition I don't know where this belief came from. If you have a 360 I suggest you come play me
[quote]I play on 360 and I would absolutely destroy you[/quote]
Senpai noticed me :)
Yes bby ;)